Improve Your Med Spa’s Online Reputation By Integrating Mindbody with Podium

kristen baker, content marketing

Kristen BakerHead of Growth Content

Mindbody, especially when integrated with Podium, is a critical tool for helping improve and manage your med spa's online reputation.
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Mindbody: What Is It & How to Use It to Grow Your Med Spa

As a med spa owner, you know the importance of your online reputation. But maintaining a stellar reputation isn’t always easy, especially as your med spa grows. That’s where a med spa tool, like Mindbody, comes into play.

Continue reading this article to learn how Mindbody and Podium integrate to improve your online reputation and enhance the customer experience so you can start converting more leads into clients and making more money.

What is Mindbody and what does Mindbody do?

Mindbody is a business management tool for wellness, fitness, and beauty businesses including med spas. It makes it easy for your clients to book appointments and pay you for services.

Mindbody simplifies many of your daily tasks including:

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Marketing to clients
  • Accepting payments
  • Managing your staff
  • Reporting on business success

Mindbody is also unique because it has a Marketplace in which 2.4 million users can search, book, and buy services. That means your med spa automatically gets in front of more of your target audience members.

How Mindbody Can Help Your Med Spa Improve Its Reputation

Mindbody can help your med spa improve its online reputation—as a result, you’ll be able to attract more leads and convert them into paying clients. This is especially true when Mindbody is integrated with Podium. Here’s how:

1. Get more online reviews.

Mindbody and Podium are both AI-powered platforms—meaning they save your med spa time and increase efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks so you can focus on other things. When Mindbody and Podium are integrated, you’re able to automatically send Google Review requests via text to your customers after their services are complete.

Since text has a a 98% open rate and Podium helps ensure those review requests are sent automatically, you’ll increase the amount of five-star reviews that land on your Google Business Profile. This results in a stronger online reputation and greater local search engine optimization (SEO) (meaning, your med spa shows up at the top of Google for searches happening nearby).

2. Send personalized responses to customer reviews.

Not only is gathering online reviews important for your med spa’s online reputation and local SEO, but responding to them is too. Now you might be thinking, “We don’t have time to respond to every customer review we get.” Fair.

But by integrating Mindbody with Podium, you can automatically respond to every review you get in just seconds. Podium generates personalized and on-brand review responses for every customer review you get. You can edit these tailored and automated replies, or simply hit “send”.

3. Collect feedback to improve the customer experience.

Collecting online reviews is one effective method of gathering feedback that helps you improve the customer experience and, therefore, your reputation. Another way to do this is through the collection of surveys. With an integration between Mindbody and Podium, you can leverage Podium’s survey tool to automatically send feedback requests that provide clear insight into what your med spa is doing well and where there are areas for improvement.

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How to Use Mindbody

We described some of the ways Mindbody helps improve online reputation—especially when integrated with Podium. But it can do even more.

Mindbody simplifies the process of connecting with prospects and clients who are looking for med spa services like yours. Automate and personalize marketing campaigns and promotions to drive engagement, conversions, and repeat business. Then, set up Mindbody so your clients have multiple ways to book with your med spa based on their preferences.

Once your clients have booked, keep all appointments scheduled in one place so your team can easily access and manage your day-to-day activities. Accept payments 24/7 and by mobile app for a tailored customer experience. With the help of automated recurring payments for med spa memberships and a reminder feature for expiring credit cards, your team will avoid losing existing clients.

Collect data about your med spa’s sales, clients, staff, payroll, and more so you’re able to make business decisions that are based on the metrics your med spa cares about.

Mindbody also integrates with a variety of third-party apps, such as Podium, so you can connect with your existing tools, improve workflows, and streamline business processes. For example, by integrating with Podium, your med spa will convert more clients while also improving your online reputation and the customer experience to drive growth.

Mindbody Pricing

Minbody has four packages ranging in price from $129/mo-$549/mo depending on capabilities. Some of the features that vary based on package include customer review solicitation, two-way SMS, AI capabilities, and missed phone call auto response.

However, since Mindbody is available with any Podium package, you’ll have access to the features that are missing from some of the less expensive Mindbody plans by integrating the platforms.

Click here to learn more about how Mindbody and Podium can help your med spa improve its reputation. 

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