Using WhatsApp for Customer Service: Pros & Cons and Best Practices

Isaiah Rendorio Headshot

Isaiah RendorioProduct Marketing Manager, Campaigns

Wondering if WhatsApp is the right customer service solution fore your business? Learn the pros, cons, and best practices here.
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Customers nowadays won’t settle for less than spectacular service. They want their questions and issues responded to and resolved at lightning speed, and they want it done via their preferred mode of communication.

WhatsApp, a popular messaging app, is one solution that helps small businesses cater to this demand for swift customer service. It can even help you hit some of your marketing goals when used correctly.

In this article, we’ll dive into the potential advantages and drawbacks of using WhatsApp for customer service. We’ll also provide you with some best practices that you can adopt when using this medium. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether WhatsApp is the right channel for your customer service needs.

WhatsApp for Customer Service: Pros & Cons

With well over 2 billion monthly active users, there’s no arguing that WhatsApp is a popular and powerful platform. But as with any platform, it comes with pros and cons—especially from a business perspective.

Pros of using WhatsApp

  • Instant and convenient real-time communication: One of the biggest advantages of using WhatsApp for customer service is that it allows for instant and convenient real-time communication. Customers can reach out to businesses anytime, anywhere, and get immediate responses. This feature helps in building customer loyalty, as customers feel valued and heard.
  • Multimedia capabilities enhance customer experience: WhatsApp supports a variety of multimedia, including images, videos, and voice notes. Businesses can use these features to enhance the customer experience by providing visual aids or audio explanations for complicated queries.
  • Cost-effective compared to traditional channels: WhatsApp is free for users and offers a cost-effective method of communication for businesses. Companies can save a lot on costs compared to traditional communication channels such as phone calls or emails.

Cons of using Whatsapp

  • Privacy concerns regarding data sharing: WhatsApp has faced several privacy concerns in recent years, with users questioning the platform’s data-sharing policies. This issue can hinder customer trust in a business using WhatsApp for customer service.
  • Limited functionality compared to dedicated customer support platforms: While WhatsApp is a great platform for instant messaging, it has some limitations when it comes to customer service. It lacks advanced features of dedicated customer support platforms, such as ticketing systems or chatbots, which can streamline the customer service process.
  • Vulnerability to spam and unauthorized usage: WhatsApp is often targeted by spammers who flood the platform with unwanted messages. This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized usage and confusion for customers, which can damage the business’s reputation.

To sum it all up, while using WhatsApp for customer service has some advantages such as real-time communication, multimedia capabilities, and cost-effectiveness, it does have its drawbacks. Privacy concerns, limited functionality, and vulnerability to spam and unauthorized usage can undermine customer trust in a business using WhatsApp as a support channel. It’s important to weigh these pros and cons before adopting WhatsApp as a customer service platform.

7 Ways to Use WhatsApp for Customer Service

If you do decide to move forward with WhatsApp as a customer service solution, there are various things you can do to make the most out of the platform.

1. Collecting customer feedback and conducting surveys.

The first idea for using WhatsApp in customer service is to conduct surveys and collect feedback from customers. This can be done easily by creating a survey and sharing it with customers on WhatsApp. This approach allows businesses to gather customer insights, identify areas that need improvement, and act on feedback to enhance customer satisfaction. The benefits of collecting feedback through WhatsApp include a high response rate, personalized feedback, and a convenient platform for customers.

2. Order tracking and real-time notifications.

WhatsApp can also be used to provide customers with real-time updates on their orders. Businesses can send automated messages to customers, including order confirmations, tracking information, and delivery updates. This approach provides customers with a sense of security, keeps them informed throughout the delivery process, and enhances customer experience. The benefits of using WhatsApp for tracking orders include faster communication, more efficient tracking, and increased transparency.

3. Sending exclusive offers and promotions.

WhatsApp can also be used to offer exclusive deals and promotions to customers. This can be done by creating a list of subscribers to send promotional messages and offers to. This approach allows businesses to tailor promotions to specific customer segments, track the effectiveness of promotions, and build customer loyalty. The benefits of using WhatsApp for promotions include increased engagement, targeted messaging, and a high conversion rate.

4. Personalized product recommendations.

Another idea for using WhatsApp in customer service is to provide customers with personalized product recommendations. This can be done by using chatbots to ask questions about customers’ preferences and offering tailored recommendations based on their answers. This approach allows businesses to provide a personalized shopping experience, increase sales, and build customer loyalty. The benefits of using WhatsApp for personalized recommendations include more efficient sales, higher customer satisfaction, and increased customer loyalty.

5. Providing customer support via messaging.

WhatsApp can also be used for customer support, providing a platform for customers to ask questions and receive answers in real-time. This approach allows businesses to provide prompt customer service, address customer concerns, and enhance customer experience. The benefits of using WhatsApp for customer support include increased communication, faster response times, and a more personalized service.

6. Organizing events and webinars.

WhatsApp can also be used to organize events and webinars for customers. This can be done by creating a group chat for participants, providing information about the event and sending reminders. This approach allows businesses to engage customers, build relationships, and provide value-added services. The benefits of using WhatsApp for events and webinars include increased engagement, targeted messaging, and a more personalized approach.

7. Conducting market research.

Finally, WhatsApp can be used to conduct market research by creating a group chat for customers and gathering feedback on products and services. This approach allows businesses to test new ideas, gather customer insights, and improve customer experience. The benefits of using WhatsApp for market research include access to a wide audience, faster response times, and more personalized feedback.

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How to Implement Texting into Your Customer Service Processes

WhatsApp isn’t the only way—or even the best way—to cut down response times and keep customers happy. Text has become the king of customer communication, and that’s not changing any time soon. Here’s how you can bake texting into your day-to-day customer service processes.

1. Use automated messages for quick responses.

Automation is every small business owner’s best friend. By setting up auto-reply templates for common questions, you can ensure that your customers receive quick replies. Just make sure you don’t overdo it with canned messages—customers value personalized interactions with a human agent almost as much as they value quick responses.

2. Maintain a professional tone in your conversations.

Text messaging is well-suited for quick, relaxed conversations, but it’s definitely possible to come across too casual. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and avoid using slang that may be inappropriate or offensive. A professional tone will help build credibility and foster customer trust in your business.

3. Organize and categorize customer conversations.

As the volume of customer inquiries grows, it’s crucial to organize and categorize customer conversations for quick and easy reference. By using a customer service platform that enables conversation tagging, businesses can effectively track and manage customer inquiries, and assign them to relevant team members for quick resolution.

4. Utilize multimedia features for enhanced communication.

Text messaging doesn’t have to be limited to text-only messages. Businesses can use multimedia features such as images and videos to provide more visual and engaging responses to customer inquiries. Multimedia features can help customers better understand product features and functionalities, and provide a more personalized customer experience.

5. Set clear boundaries and expectations.

It’s important to set clear boundaries and expectations with customers when using text messaging as a customer service channel. Let customers know the hours of operation, the types of inquiries that can be resolved via text messaging, and the expected response time. This will prevent misunderstandings and ensure that customer expectations are managed.

6. Train your team on best practices.

To ensure that your team is delivering the best possible customer service through text messaging, it’s crucial to provide proper training on best practices. This includes proper grammar, tone of voice, use of multimedia features, and effective resolution of customer inquiries. By investing in training, businesses can ensure that their team is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver excellent customer service through text messaging.

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