VoIP Phone Systems: Tips for Success

Pat Johnson Headshot

Pat JohnsonProduct Marketing Manager

Thinking about investing in a VoIP phone system? Here are some tips to help you get started.
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We live in a digital age where many customers prefer to interact with businesses via text or Webchat. Still, you need a phone system to connect with your customers. 71% of customer communications still happen over the phone. Not all phone systems are created equal, though. Having the right solution can significantly improve the customer experience (and reduce the workload on your team). 

If you are thinking about setting up a new phone system for your business, here are some tips to guide you along the way.

 small business employee using voip phone

Ensure a Reliable Internet Connection

Using a VoIP phone system will give you a long list of benefits, but a reliable internet connection is essential. If your internet fluctuates or isn’t fast enough, the call quality will suffer.

If you want to know exactly how strong of a connection you need, ask your VoIP service provider. A general rule of thumb is that you need at least 100 kbps upload and download for each line you are using. Given that your internet provider likely offers your speed in gigabytes, most companies should be able to meet this requirement.

That being said, if you notice low call quality, consider upgrading your internet speed. You should also keep in mind that even if your VoIP system works with Wi-Fi, it will usually do better with a wired connection.

Set Up Any Relevant Hardware

If your VoIP system includes hardware, you will have to set it up. For example, maybe you are using a hard phone instead of apps on your tablet, computer, or mobile phone. The good news is that your VoIP provider should be happy to provide you with easy-to-follow instructions and troubleshooting as you do so.

Depending on your existing phones, you may be able to use VoIP adapters to get your old hardware to work. This reduces the upfront hardware and training costs. Many VoIP systems also work with softphones, meaning a phone app on your mobile phone or other devices. If you choose a system with softphones, you may not need to buy any hardware at all.

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Port Your Number or Get a Number

If your company already has a business phone number, you should be able to port it over to your new business phone system. If you don’t have a number, you must decide whether you want a random local number, a toll-free number, or a vanity number, which spells out a word, for example.

Ideally, you will have the same business phone number for texting and calling customers. This will increase the response rate and open rate for texts. Customers will also have an easier time remembering or looking for your number.

Get Familiar With the Features

One of the biggest reasons that businesses choose VoIP phone systems is the long list of features they include.

Some common features include:

  • Call queuing
  • Letting customers text instead of call
  • Call transcribing
  • And more

The features will vary based on your VoIP provider and business phone system plan. 

You will need to take the time to familiarize yourself with each of the features offered by your VoIP provider. After all, you can’t make the most of a feature that you don’t know exists. And you may need to read a guide or watch a video to see how to use them. Many features will be intuitive, but you will still need to confirm you understand how they work before interacting with customers.

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Create Custom Greetings

One of the most useful features of a VoIP system is the ability to create custom greetings. For example, you can answer the phone with info about your store hours and location if those are the most common queries. Or you can record a custom greeting that asks callers to wait patiently while a representative comes to the phone.

Your greetings will depend on your goals. But overall, they are useful for providing necessary information, engaging the caller while you get to the phone, improving efficiency, and routing callers to the right person or department. They are a must-have feature in the best business phone systems. 

Set Your Business Hours

Another useful feature your VoIP phone systems may offer is business hours. If this feature exists, you will be able to set dedicated business hours. You can record one custom greeting to be used during business hours and another outside of business hours. The recorded spiel used outside business hours would be an automated recording letting the caller know when you are open. It can also encourage them to leave a voicemail or contact you in another way in case of an emergency.

Import Your Contacts

Because they are digital, it is usually easy to import contacts into your VoIP system. This can include customers, employees, suppliers, and more.

The best business phone systems will make it incredibly easy to access the information you need about customers. Some, like Podium Phones, even automatically connect to other Podium services. This way, you can view information about recent calls, purchases, and even reviews. Your team will then have context when someone calls, on top of being able to put a name to the number.

Invite Your Team

Before your team can start using your new VoIP phone systems, they will have to know how to use them. Encourage your team to get to know the system and provide them with training. The best systems will be intuitive and require minimal training.

Even so, some training is helpful. At the very least, go over available features with your team. Remember that they won’t be able to use features unless they know about them. Your VoIP provider can also offer a quick “get started” guide. You may even opt to create your own training for the system if you want to equip your team based on your context.

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Test Your System Before Using It With Customers

Once you get your new phone system set up, be sure to test it before interacting with customers. Make outbound phone calls and use your cell phone to call the number.

Testing the business phone system will let you confirm that you know how to use it and put the features to good use. It will also assure you that your internet connection is sufficient and everything works properly. Pay close attention to the connection stability and audio quality, and identify delays or any latency.

Don’t Forget to Monitor and Maintain the System

In addition to the initial tests, don’t forget to regularly monitor your business VoIP service and business phone system, making sure to provide any maintenance required (which is likely minimal). Ask your team to report any issues with the system immediately, whether they are caused by poor internet connection, lack of training, or other factors.

picking up a voip phone

Get Started with Podium Phones

Looking for a new small business phone system? Try Podium Phones. Our team will gladly provide you with additional assistance and tips for setting up your new system, which integrates seamlessly with other Podium products.

With Podium Phones, your small business will be better equipped to handle business calls in addition to the emails, texts, and other messages you already handle via Podium. 

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