Essential Tips for Small Business Success

Logan Wooden Headshot

Logan WoodenProduct Marketing Manager, Retail

Discover 12 tips for successful small businesses to use to scale, improve online presence, effectively communicate with customers, and more.
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Essential Tips for Small Business Success

There will always be ways for you to grow and improve, especially when it comes to your business. This year, you might be considering leveling yourself up to finally achieve the success you want for your small business. 

If you want to find out how to level up your small business to achieve the success you’re aiming for, this article is perfect for you. Let this guide you on how you can champion your way in the industry as a small business entrepreneur. 

1. Automate as many things as possible.

 Time and again, technology has proven to be a good tool for humanity. It can assist with simple tasks such as quick research down to the automation of complicated or repetitive processes. You can rely on technology to make things easier when running your business.

Gone are the days when you have to struggle with doing everything manually. With many business automation processes available to help keep track of your small business, you can save a lot of time. This way, you can focus on other aspects of managing your business.

For example, business management apps are available to manage leads through pipelines, update customer information, and track invoices and other expenses. You can use accounting software to manage business finances. If you have an e-commerce shop, use email marketing to send automated emails to your leads and potentially increase sales.

2. Have a website.

Some consumers take things at face value, especially when trying new products. They tend to gravitate towards products with better packaging design and a detailed breakdown of usage and ingredients. You can also apply the same idea to establishing a small business.

When you’re new to the scene, building a fully functional website is essential. Think of your website as a business card you present to your potential customers online. It has to have all the information needed to entice your target market to try your products and services.

Your website must at least have the following:

  •       A simple web address
  •       A clear description of your company and service
  •       A list of your products or services
  •       Updated contact details
  •       A user-friendly layout
  •       SEO-optimized content

When you have the basics down, this will help generate more leads for your business. It also helps if you have social media accounts to gain more exposure. Always remember, online presence is crucial in this day and age.

3. Remember: Customer service is key.

There’s a saying that the customer is always right. And while this might not always ring true, it doesn’t change the fact that customers are still a top priority. 

According to research done by PWC, more than 70% of consumers value customer experience in their purchasing decisions. But only 49% of the U.S. consumer population feels they get the proper customer treatment they deserve. This means that a lot of businesses are at risk of losing clients due to poor customer service.

As a customer-driven establishment, your small business relies on your ability to fulfill client’s needs and wants. One tip to generate more sales is to provide a top-notch customer experience. Make sure you have a good understanding of what customers expect of your business. Put customer experience as a top priority to keep them loyal to your business.

Over time, giving your clients the VIP treatment they deserve will pay off. When they have a positive experience with your business, they will bring in referrals. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool that startups can utilize. Through positive reviews, you can attract new customers. 

4. Learn from your competitors. 

There’s a lot to learn from people in the same industry as you. If you’re in a highly-saturated market, try observing your competitor’s business model to gain insight into the field. With varying experiences in the field, they know how to go around some challenges better than you do. Use this to your advantage and learn which areas your business can improve. 

Here are some important considerations in studying the competition:

  •       Marketing strategies that work vs. outdated ones
  •       The pulse of your target audience and how you can better attract them
  •       Practices that you should incorporate in your business vs. things you need to let go of

Having competition in the market isn’t all about one-upping each other. It also provides a healthy environment for your business to thrive. If you have a physical store, it wouldn’t hurt to learn what other local businesses do for marketing and advertising.

5. Set your small business goals. 

Having a roadmap or a business plan is a factor in setting up all types of businesses. Setting up goals keeps you on track and helps set a measurement of your success. This is one of the best business practices for a startup. Having your company vision and mission laid down makes a clear path toward growth.

Communicate your goals as a small business with your team. This will keep everyone on the same page and help you meet your target. Having a team working toward the same intentions is one key factor in growing a company.

Make your goals as realistic as possible. Challenge yourself, but also keep your limitations in mind. Once you meet your initial goals, you can check where your business is and set new targets to achieve. 

6. Keep focus.

When you’re a new business owner, there’s a lot going on that can make you lose your focus. From hiring new people to sourcing the right products, there’s always so much to do. Now, keeping your focus is easier said than done. But this one practice can help contribute to your business’s success.

Stay true to your original purpose and avoid getting sidetracked by other things as you work on your growth. You might be tempted to add more to your list of services or products at some point. But to do that, concentrate on accomplishing other tasks for your business first.

If you’re concerned about your daily goals, you can use technology to help you focus on them. To keep track of their workflow, small business owners use of apps or software. This way, entrepreneurs are assured that their team doesn’t stray from their to-do list.

7. Find ways to cut costs.

For small business owners, keeping costs at a minimum is vital to stay afloat. Since you are still in the beginning stages of your business, it’s important to pay attention to your cash flow.

Keeping a set budget for your business expenses is one way of managing business finances. By comparing your planned budget with your actual expenses, you can keep track of business expenditures. 

When you start evaluating your expenses, you become more open to cost-efficient alternatives. Perhaps, you can buy your materials from a different supplier without compromising quality. Or there might be instances when outsourcing a task is better than hiring a full-time employee.

It is important to stick to what you can afford, especially when you are just a new business. This will make room for a better cash flow and, eventually, growth.

8. Stay up-to-date in the marketing world. 

Digital marketing is an efficient way to generate new customers. This is especially true now that people rely heavily on social media to do research on the right products and services to buy. With the right marketing strategy, you can easily reach your target market and become a successful small business.

Leverage tools such as content marketing templates to attract new customers. With the recent rise of podcasts and websites like LinkedIn becoming popular among your professionals, you should also look consider how you can utilize them for your business. You can hire influencers to create User Generated Content (UGC) that you can post on your social media accounts. 

Nowadays, having a good business idea can only do so much. Knowing how to market your products and services on social media can make or break you. An online presence, in any form, will benefit your business in one way or another.

9. Build a team.

Successful entrepreneurs don’t make it to the top all on their own. Even as a startup, a team of trusted individuals can lead to your business’ success. Whether it’s a team of two or three people, having the right team can make all the difference. Build a team that you can rely on when it comes to different aspects of your business.

Filter your candidates thoroughly to determine whose skill set is best fit for the job. Invest in proper training so your team is in sync with your goals in growing your new business. They must also be aware of their responsibilities and duties as part of the team. This way, when you provide them feedback, you have a proper metric of their growth in their role.

Providing a positive and encouraging work environment to your team should be on your list of the best business practices, too. Your people are one of your greatest investments as a small business entrepreneur, so make sure to invest in them well.

10. Learn how to adapt. 

With every new business comes a set of challenges and obstacles that you might run into. And as part of effective entrepreneurship, you must know how to be flexible in such circumstances. It’s not every day that you can predict the demands of the industry you’re in. And so learning how to bend than break in the face of adversity is important. 

If you see that something isn’t working with your current business model, consider making changes to your method. Did you notice that your marketing strategy isn’t working anymore? Start working on your next set of techniques and try again.

Welcoming changes to your business’s original path gives plenty of room for you to flourish. Being flexible allows you to easily adjust without losing much when something goes south.

11. Make room for mistakes.

As a first-time business owner, you’ll experience a lot of trial and error before getting the “perfect formula.” Embrace the idea that you’ll continue making mistakes and use it to your advantage.

Instead of beating yourself up over your mistakes, use these opportunities to reflect on where you can still improve on. Acknowledge that you made a few wrong steps and figure out how to avoid them in the future. Charge everything to experience and find better ways to address the same situation next time.

Remember, you are not only considered a good entrepreneur because you get everything right. A good business owner also knows how to bounce back when their strategies fail. 

12. Ask for help when needed.

No one started in the business you’re in with all the know-how etched in their minds. As a sole proprietor of your business, you may have found yourself stuck in this situation once and didn’t know where to go. 

If you ever feel like you don’t know what to do, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Find yourself a mentor in the same field who you can turn to when needed. You can also use online discussions to gain more insight into the world of business. Read books, listen to podcasts, and watch shows that talk about how you can run your business and get ideas on how you can make your business grow. 

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As a first-time small business owner, you still have a lot to digest and discover. Good thing there are a lot of tools and apps readily available to solve some of your biggest concerns in your business.

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