Can You Text a Landline, or Can You Text From a Landline?

Podium staff

Podium Staff

Differentiating between landline and cell phone numbers is important for mobile marketing and businesses. Learn what happens if you text a landline & more.
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someone picking up small business phone

As technology advances, small businesses’ ways to market to customers have also changed. In the past, most small businesses had landlines, but now they also need to send texts. After all, SMS marketing is a crucial business strategy.

This leads to many small business owners wondering if they have to get a cell phone in addition to their business landline and what happens if you text a landline.

The short answer is that solutions like Podium let you send texts from your landline via a mobile app or desktop. This enables you to use the same landline phone number that your customers already recognize.

That being said, there are a few essential things you should know before you text message on landline phones. As we delve into this article, we will provide you with key information and tips regarding texting through a landline.

What is landline texting?

Landline texting is essentially giving your trusted landline a digital upgrade, making it as versatile as your smartphone. Instead of sticking to the old-school voice calls, landline texting allows businesses and individuals to send and receive text messages using their familiar landline phone numbers. There is no need for a new number or the latest mobile device—with your landline number, you can receive and send messages to your customers!

You may be wondering how texting through a landline works. Thanks to platforms like Podium, landlines become text-capable. You can send out texts and get replies using the same landline number your small business has always had. It’s a great resource for small businesses wanting to communicate with customers in a way that feels more up-to-date – through text. 

Texting through a landline is not only convenient but also matches your customer’s preferences of using text messaging, in a world dominated by texts. This modern twist turns your traditional landline into a digital communication tool, keeping things easy, and right in line with how most people these days like to keep in contact.

man picking up a business phone

Landline vs. Mobile Phones

Landline phones are connected to the telecommunications grid using utility lines. They were traditionally corded, but now most people have cordless phones. Cordless phones rely on their base charging station to connect to the network.

On the other hand, cell phones don’t connect directly to the telecommunications grid of utility lines. Instead, they rely on microwave frequency signals sent over your carrier’s wireless network. This means that they can work from anywhere, as long as they are within range of a telecommunications tower.

Another important distinction is that landlines are only designed to receive voice calls. By contrast, cell phones can receive voice calls or texts. Smartphones can also use various messaging applications and other programs.

Most small businesses still rely on landline phones, but they have some uses for mobile phones, such as texting and SMS marketing

Why You Should Enable Texting From A Landline

Given that most small businesses still have landlines, you may wonder if you need to be able to text. The short answer is yes. That is because customers strongly prefer receiving text messages.

Most customers have a higher chance of texting, assuming that they know there is a real person on the other end, not a chatbot.

There are multiple reasons that customers prefer texting, including but not limited to:

1. Enhanced customer engagement and service.

Consider landline texting as a powerful tool to boost customer engagement. It’s like inviting your customers to chat with you in their comfort zone. Quick questions, support needs, or just a friendly chat – landline texting brings the conversation to a whole new level, making your service not just good but exceptional.

2. Higher open and response rates.

Texts grab customers’ attention. They’re like the ultimate form of communication. Enabling texting from your landline takes you into a space where your messages not only capture immediate attention but also prompt swift responses. It’s not about sending into the void; it’s about getting real responses from real people.

3. Efficient order tracking and updates.

Imagine effortlessly being able to receive updates about your orders – that’s what landline texting brings to the table! It simplifies the entire process of tracking orders and providing updates, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for your customers. This approach keeps them in the loop without requiring any unnecessary effort on their part.

4. Customers prefer getting texts from businesses.

People like getting texts from businesses. It’s direct, it’s convenient, and it fits into their busy lives. Individuals like receiving texts from businesses because it offers an easy way of communication that seamlessly fits into their hectic schedules. 

Texting from your landline shows an understanding of your customers’ preferences and a commitment to simplifying their experience with your small business. 

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How to Text from a Landline: Step-by-Step Guide

Starting this journey of texting from a landline opens up a world of efficient and convenient communication for your small business. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process, making it accessible for both you and your customers. 

From choosing the right service to setting up your account and diving into the world of landline texting, this guide will give you the knowledge to make your communication game stronger.

Step 1: Choose a service

The first step to texting from your landline is to decide what service or platform you will use. As mentioned, Podium offers the ability to send text messages from a landline.

Look for solutions that allow bulk texting and offer automation to supercharge your SMS marketing strategy. This can be particularly helpful for small businesses aiming to maximize their reach.

Step 2: Set up your account

Once you’ve chosen a service, set up your account. This involves entering your landline number, confirming it, and downloading the necessary software. Importing contact information and text-enabling your phone is part of this setup process, contributing to a seamless experience.

Explore how the service provider integrates with VoIP for a better communication experience. This can be beneficial for small businesses looking to streamline their phone services.

Step 3: Text

With your account set up, you’re ready to start texting from your landline! Open the program on your device, type your message, and hit send. This is where a user-friendly interface comes into play, enhancing your messaging experience.

Step 4: Receive a response

For a landline to receive text messages, you have to set it up to do so. The good news is that you will do this during the process of creating an account and setting up the platform that lets you text from a landline phone.

You will be able to receive text messages in the same program that you send them. Exactly how it appears will depend on the platform, but they are typically designed to be user-friendly and mimic the familiar format of messaging platforms. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Texting From a Landline

Before deciding to text from a landline phone, make sure you understand the pros and cons of doing so. You will notice that the pros far outweigh the cons, which is part of why this service is so popular. 

Pros of Texting from a Landline

1. Professional Image

Sending texts from your business number improves your professionalism. Customers recognize and trust your business number, eliminating the need to promote new contact details. This not only adds convenience but also reinforces your brand recognition.

2. Documented Conversations

Texting from a landline provides a record of all past business communication you have had with your customers. This documentation can be useful for reference, ensuring a transparent and accountable interaction history.

3. Cost-Efficiency

While there’s a cost involved in enabling your landline for texting, it’s often significantly lower than alternatives. This cost-efficiency makes landline texting a great option for small businesses looking to manage their budget effectively.

4. Customer Convenience

Customers prefer texting, and leveraging your landline for this purpose aligns with their communication preferences. It adds a layer of convenience, allowing simple interaction without the need for a mobile device.

Cons of Texting from a Landline

1. Limited Functionality

One drawback is the necessity to set up your landline to enable texting, which may not happen automatically. However, most platforms simplify this process, mitigating the challenge.

2. Customer Opt-In and Consent

To start texting from your landline, customer opt-in is essential. While this ensures compliance with regulations, it may require effort to get consent from your customers.

3. Potential for Miscommunication

Like any communication channel, texting from a landline carries the potential for miscommunication. It’s crucial to be aware of this and take measures to minimize misunderstandings.

The advantages of texting from a landline, such as keeping a professional image and cost-effectiveness, often outweigh the cons. Understanding both sides allows small business owners to make informed decisions aligned with their goals and customer preferences.

Make Your Landline Textable with Podium

As mentioned, the easiest way to text from a landline and receive texts from a landline is via SMS software. Podium is simple to sign up and start using and offers a range of features. You can start texting your customers today and receiving texts in return as part of your marketing strategy. 

Podium’s innovative Phone product emerges as an amazing solution, enabling your landline to seamlessly utilize texting capabilities. With a user-friendly approach, Podium ensures a simple setup process, eliminating the complexities associated with integrating your landline into the world of text messaging.

Getting started with Podium is super easy – a simple sign-up process will allow your landline into the future of communication. Once your landline telephone is set up to send SMS text messages, you can send promotional offers, transactional messages, and more. You will also be able to offer your customer support via text messages with the same phone number you would use for calls. 


Q: What happens if you text a landline?

A: Once you know that you can text a landline, it’s common to wonder what happens if you text a landline. From your end, the process is identical.

What happens with the message will vary depending on the software that the landline in question uses. There is text-to-landline software that will read text messages sent to landlines so you can listen to them in the form of voice messages instead of reading them.

If the landline in question is a business with a text-enabled landline, they will get your text message via their messaging software.

If neither of the above is the case, nothing will happen. The text message will not be noticed or recovered, and it won’t be delivered. 

Q: How do you know if you’re texting a landline?

A: The best way to know if you’re texting a landline is to use a platform to send your messages. The software should be able to recognize if the message was received. If not, it is either a landline or an incorrect number. Either way, you will know that the phone number isn’t valid for your SMS campaign.

Some cell phone carriers will also let you know if you accidentally text a landline. They typically do so by sending you a text message notifying you. 

Q: Do landline phones receive text messages?

A: Landline phones will not receive text messages by default. You have to set up a text-to-landline service or use a program that lets you access texts on your computer or another device. This requires you to enable texts. After you set up text enabling, you can easily use landline texting for your business. 

Q: How can I send a text from my business landline number?

A: Create a Podium account to send a text from your landline number. You will be able to set it up within minutes. 

Q: What is a landline?

A: Landlines are phones that are rooted in a single location. Traditionally, they were wired and plugged directly into the telecommunications grid. Modern cordless landlines have a base that gets plugged into that grid, and the phone communicates with that base so you can move around the house. However, you must stay within a certain distance of the base. 

Q: How can I text-enable my business?

A: The easiest way to text-enable your business is to get software, such as Podium, that handles your text messages. As you set it up, you will text-enable your business. 

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