Texting Your Way to Success: 25 Powerful Sales Text Message Examples

Ashlee Nunez

Ashlee Nunez

Explore our 25 powerful sales text message examples for boosting customer engagement. Elevate your business communication with Podium.
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Texting Your Way to Success: 25 Powerful Sales Text Message Examples

Effective communication with customers is crucial for small businesses across all industries that are looking to grow. It helps your business build trust with customers, understand customer needs, and foster long-term relationships. Strong communication doesn’t only require your business to think about how you  engage with customers or how quickly you respond. It also entails offering communication channels that your customers want to speak with you through—like texting. 

Texting has high open and response rates as well as conversion rates. In this article, we’ll explain how you can use sales text messages to get more leads, convert them into paying customers, and get keep those customers coming back for more. We’ll also explain how Podium can help small businesses across many industries—including med spas, auto, HVAC, mattress, and appliance—use text messaging to grow better. 

Let’s dive in. 

25 Sales Text Message Examples 

The right message at the right time can be the difference between closing a deal and losing a potential sale to your competition. That’s where the power of well-crafted sales text messages comes into play.

For small business owners like yourself, every lead, every interaction, and every sale holds significant value. Efficient and cost-effective communication tools like text messages can be a game-changer for your businesses. These messages enable you to reach your audience directly and efficiently with information that’s concise, impactful, and easily digestible.

Whether you’re launching a new product, promoting limited-time offers, recovering abandoned carts, providing personalized offers, or encouraging customer referrals and upselling, these text message examples are tailored to suit your needs.

New Product Launch

1. Exciting News! Introducing our latest drop: The [product name]! Get 20% off today with code DROP20. Limited stock!

This message is perfect for announcing a brand-new product to your customer base, creating excitement, and encouraging immediate purchases.

2. Get ahead of the crowd with our game-changing [product name]. Pre-order now and enjoy exclusive early-bird discounts!

Use this message to generate anticipation for an upcoming product release and reward early adopters with special discounts.

3. Introducing [product name] – the future of [industry]. Get ahead of the game and be the first to experience innovation. Shop now and enjoy 15% off your first purchase!

Promote a new product as a game-changer in your industry and incentivize early purchases with a special discount.

4. Brace yourself for [product name]—it’s here! Be among the first to experience excellence. Use code FIRST20 for 20% off. Limited stock!

Generate excitement for a new product release and offer an exclusive discount to incentivize early purchases.

Limited-Time Offer

5. Last chance! Don’t miss out on our flash sale. Enjoy 30% off all products until midnight tonight. Shop now!

Send this message towards the end of a limited-time sale to create urgency and prompt last-minute purchases.

6. Hurry, our summer sale ends tomorrow! Grab your favorite items with up to 50% off. Shop now: [website].

Remind customers of a closing sale to encourage them to take advantage of significant discounts before it’s too late.

7. Time is running out! Our 24-hour flash sale is in full swing. Don’t miss your chance to save big – up to 40% off storewide. Shop now!

Create a sense of urgency by emphasizing the limited duration of a flash sale and the significant savings available.

8. Tick-tock! Our 48-hour sale is counting down. Save up to 50% on your favorite items. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Shop now!

Create urgency by highlighting the limited duration of a sale and the substantial savings available.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

9. Hey [customer name], we noticed you left something behind. Complete your purchase now and get free shipping!

Use this message to recover potentially lost sales by reminding customers of items left in their cart and sweetening the deal with free shipping.

10. Oops! It looks like you forgot about your items. We saved them for you. Come back and check out with ease.

This message is a gentle reminder to customers who abandoned their carts, making it easy for them to return and complete their purchases.

11. Hi there! We noticed you left something in your cart. Complete your order now and get a surprise gift with your purchase. Click to reclaim your items!

Entice cart abandoners with the promise of a surprise gift, motivating them to return and complete their purchase.

12. Hi, it seems you forgot something in your cart. Complete your order now and enjoy free express shipping as our gift to you. Reclaim your items here: [Link]

Remind cart abandoners of their abandoned items and sweeten the deal with free express shipping to encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

Personalized Offer

13. Hello [customer name], we have an exclusive deal just for you! Use code PERSONAL10 for 15% off your next purchase.

Personalize this message by using the customer’s name to offer them a special discount and enhance their loyalty.

14. We miss you, [customer name]! Enjoy 20% off your favorite products as a welcome-back gift. Shop now!

Re-engage inactive customers with a warm message and an enticing discount to encourage their return to your store.

15. Dear [customer name], you’re a valued part of our community. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off on your next order. Use code VALUED20 at checkout. Happy shopping!

Show appreciation to a loyal customer with a personalized message and an exclusive discount to strengthen the customer-brand relationship.

16. Greetings [customer name]! As a token of our appreciation, here’s a special 25% off code: THANKYOU25. Treat yourself to something nice today!

Express gratitude to a loyal customer with a personalized message and an exclusive discount to enhance their shopping experience.

Customer Referral Incentive

17. Share the love! Refer a friend and get $20 off your next purchase. Your friend gets $15 off too! Spread happiness today.

Encourage customers to refer friends by offering mutual benefits, fostering a sense of community, and rewarding their loyalty.

18. Hey [customer name], we appreciate your loyalty! Refer three friends and receive a gift worth $50. Start referring now!

Acknowledge and reward loyal customers with a special referral program that offers substantial incentives.

19. Want to earn rewards while spreading smiles? Refer a buddy and both of you get 25% off your next purchase. Share the joy today!

Encourage customers to refer friends by offering substantial savings to both the referrer and the new customer.

20. Friends who shop together, save together! Refer a friend and both get 20% off your next purchase. Start sharing and saving today!

Encourage customers to refer friends by offering mutual savings, emphasizing the benefits of referring others to your brand.

Upselling and Cross-Selling

21. Love your recent purchase? Complete the set and get 20% off on matching accessories. Treat yourself today!

Suggest complementary products to customers who’ve recently purchased to enhance their experience and increase sales.

22. You might also like: Our top-rated [product name]. Enhance your experience with this complimentary item.

Recommend related, top-rated products to customers, increasing the chances of them adding more items to their cart.

23. Elevate your [product name] experience with our handpicked add-ons. Get 15% off when you bundle them today! Upgrade your game now.

Suggest additional products that enhance the main purchase, offering a discount to entice customers into upgrading their order.

24. Add the finishing touch to your purchase with our handcrafted [accessory name]. Get it now at 15% off when you buy with [product name]. Elevate your style today!

Suggest a complementary accessory to enhance the customer’s purchase, offering a discount to entice them into adding it to their order.

25. Complete your look with our top-rated [product name]. Get it now with a 20% discount when you bundle it with [product name]. Elevate your style effortlessly!

Suggest a complementary accessory to enhance the customer’s purchase, offering a bundle discount to entice them.

These text message examples are designed to be effective and engaging in various sales and marketing scenarios, helping you maximize your sales opportunities.

Tips for Writing Effective Sales Text Message

Crafting an effective sales text message can significantly impact your ability to engage customers and drive conversions. Here are seven tips to help you create compelling and impactful sales text messages:

1. Get straight to the point.

Texting is a communication channel that requires concise language. Start your message with the most important information. Be straightforward and ensure your main selling point is clear within the first few words. Avoid unnecessary fluff and get right to the heart of your offer.

2. Focus on benefits, not features.

Customers are more interested in how a product or service can improve their lives than in its technical details. Highlight the benefits and outcomes of your offer rather than just listing its features. Show customers how your product or service can solve their problems or fulfill their needs.

3. Create a sense of urgency.

Encourage prompt action by creating a sense of urgency. Use phrases like “limited time offer,” “act now,” or “while supplies last” to convey that your offer is time-sensitive. This motivates customers to take immediate action rather than procrastinate.

4. Include a clear call to action (CTA).

Every sales text message should have a clear and specific call to action. Tell customers exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s clicking a link, making a call, or visiting your store. Make your CTA actionable, easy to follow, and tempting.

5. Personalize the message.

Personalization adds a human touch to your messages and makes customers feel valued. Address recipients by their name whenever possible. Tailor your message content to their preferences or previous interactions. Personalized messages are more likely to capture attention and generate a positive response.

6. Test and optimize.

Don’t rely on a single message; instead, A/B tests different versions to see which one performs better. Analyze metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to refine your approach. Continuous testing and optimization ensure that your messages evolve with your audience’s preferences.

7. Timing matters.

Consider when you send your messages. Sending a lunchtime deal may not be as effective as sending it during evening hours when people are more relaxed and receptive. Understand your target audience’s daily routines and adapt your message delivery accordingly.

By implementing these tips, you can enhance the effectiveness of your sales text messages, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and ultimately drive more sales for your business.

Ready to grow?

See immediate impact with Podium’s suite of lead management and communication tools.

Drive More Leads and Revenue with Podium

Writing sales messages doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult. Instead, let Podium write personalized and conversion-oriented messages for you. Here’s some more information about how and why Podium can improve your text messages to customers and ultimately drive the results you’re looking for. 

1. Instant Engagement

Podium’s text marketing capabilities make instant engagement simple. The lead conversion and communication platform enables you to craft and send targeted text messages to your audience, delivering personalized offers, promotions, and updates directly to their mobile devices. And since Podium is AI-powered, you can do so faster than ever before. This instant engagement can drive more leads and conversions, all while enhancing customer loyalty. 

2. Reputation Management

Positive reviews are a trust signal that can attract potential customers and boost your reputation. Podium’s Review Tool simplifies the process of gathering and showcasing customer feedback. You can ask for reviews from satisfied clients and promptly address any concerns from others. This proactive reputation management builds trust and fosters a positive image which can result in more conversions upon sending your sales (and marketing) text messages. 

3. Real-Time Conversations

In today’s fast-paced world, customers seek instant gratification. Podium’s Webchat feature allows you to engage website visitors in real-time conversations, answering questions, providing information, and guiding them toward a purchase decision. This instant communication can significantly improve the conversion rate of your website, turning casual visitors into qualified leads and then, money.

4. Streamlined Operations

Podium brings all these powerful features together in a unified platform, simplifying your operations and saving you time. Instead of managing multiple communication channels separately, you can streamline your efforts, ensuring a consistent and convenient experience for your customers. This efficiency can translate into more effective lead generation and increased revenue for your business.

Podium is your ally in driving leads and business growth. Its tools and unified platform are all designed to help you engage with your audience effectively, manage your reputation, and streamline operations. With Podium by your side, you can take your business to new heights, attracting more leads and boosting your revenue.


Q: What is an example of a promotional text message?

A: An example of a promotion text message might look like this: “Exclusive Offer! Get 20% off your next purchase at [Your Business Name]. Use code SAVE20 at checkout. Limited time only. Shop now: [Website].”

This text message is concise, highlights the exclusive nature of the offer, provides a clear discount code, and includes a direct link to the website for easy access. It also creates a sense of urgency with the “limited time only” phrase.

Q: How do I promote my business through text messages?

A: Promoting your business through text messages can be highly effective. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Build a subscriber list: Obtain consent from customers to receive text messages. You can collect phone numbers through your website, social media, or in-store.
  • Craft engaging messages: Create text messages that are concise, engaging, and relevant to your audience. Focus on benefits, use clear calls to action, and consider personalization.
  • Segment your list: Group your subscribers based on their interests, behaviors, or demographics. This allows you to send targeted messages to specific segments.
  • Timing matters: Send messages at appropriate times to maximize engagement. Avoid sending texts late at night or during busy hours.
  • Comply with regulations: Familiarize yourself with text message marketing regulations, such as obtaining consent and providing opt-out options.
  • Track and analyze: Monitor the performance of your text message campaigns. Pay attention to open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your approach.
  • Integrate with other marketing channels: Text messages should complement your overall marketing strategy. Integrate them with email marketing, social media, and other channels for a cohesive approach.

Q: How can I ensure my text messages are effective for lead generation?

A: To ensure that your text messages are effective for lead generation, follow these tips:

  • Segment your audience: Tailor your messages to different customer segments based on their preferences and behaviors. Personalized messages are more likely to generate leads.
  • Provide value: Offer something of value in your text messages, such as exclusive discounts, useful information, or early access to promotions.
  • Clear call to action (CTA): Include a clear and actionable CTA in every message. Whether it’s visiting a website, making a call, or filling out a form, make it easy for recipients to take the next step.
  • Engage promptly: Respond quickly to customer inquiries or responses to your messages. Timely engagement can convert inquiries into leads.
  • Use tracking links: Include tracking links in your messages to monitor click-through rates and gather data on user behavior.
  • Avoid Over-Messaging: Don’t overwhelm subscribers with too many messages. Find the right balance between staying engaged and not becoming a nuisance.
  • Measure and optimize: Regularly analyze the performance of your text message campaigns. Adjust your approach based on what works best for lead generation.

By following these guidelines, you can use text messages as a powerful tool for generating leads and expanding your customer base.

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