19 Sales Techniques for Retail That Will Further Your Business

Podium staff

Podium Staff

Boost retail sales with proven techniques! Learn persuasive selling, effective customer engagement, and strategic merchandising for business success.
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1. Persuasive Selling Techniques

The retail industry is all about persuasion. Not everyone walks into a store or visits an online shopping platform ready to buy something. At this point, a salesperson must convince them they need a particular product. This is called persuasive selling.

Your retail business must use persuasive selling techniques to make the most of the leads you get for your retail business. It is one of the sales techniques retail outlets depend on the most. Persuasive selling means personalizing a product or marketing message so that a potential customer will find it hard to decline an offer.

Persuasive sales techniques in retail are not about being pushy and not taking no for an answer. It is about salespeople meeting customers where they are and guiding them toward a product or service. It is about pointing out how a product or service will make their lives easier. And it all starts with understanding customer needs.

Understanding customer needs

When your sales team understands customer needs, it is easier for them to highlight how a product can solve problems. The idea with this sales technique is to keep customer pain points front and center. This way, a salesperson can show off the value of a product while making a customer feel heard.

Presenting Limited Choices

Another persuasive retail selling technique is presenting one or two product choices at most. If a salesperson presents a customer with ten products to choose from, it may overwhelm the customer and make him or her leave without buying anything.

Crafting Compelling Product Narratives

At the same time, all product options should have a compelling narrative. The salesperson has already identified the customer’s needs. Now, they can use a conversational tone to tell the product’s story. Your team can use real-life examples of satisfied customers to explain why the product exists in the first place. They can make the product more relatable to your customers by telling them how to use it.

If the customer is at the center of the story and the product is the supporting feature that will better their lives, this selling technique will work well.

Overcoming Objections With Persuasive Communication

Retail sales techniques also include overcoming objections. This includes identifying the objection and validating it. Every customer has their reasons for objecting against buying a product. It may stem from a past experience or simply because a similar product hasn’t worked for them. Objections don’t erase the rapport that a salesperson builds with a potential customer. It just gives them more reason to employ extra persuasive communication techniques.

Your team should ask questions to discover the reason for the objection. They should acknowledge that it is a real problem for the customer. Then, they can build a narrative that shows why this product won’t fail in the same way and how it can save them time, money, or effort.

2. Customer Engagement Techniques

It is not only a salesperson’s persuasive selling techniques that will close a sale. The most crucial factor in the selling process is building a relationship with a customer and making the shopping experience as seamless as possible. Customer engagement techniques help increase conversions and retain customers in the long run.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

Building a strong customer relationship means being honest about product limitations and pricing. These are some of the primary reasons customers are hesitant to buy specific products. When salespeople are transparent in all their communications with customers, it helps build brand trust. Trust is the cornerstone of the business-customer relationship.

In fact, customers are 25% more likely to keep spending money on products from brands they trust. Ongoing, honest engagement will help your business build a loyal customer base.

Increasing Referrals

Customers who have a positive buying experience are far more likely to refer a business to family and friends. And, when customers trust your business, they will refer it to others. This process forms a huge part of your retail business’s growth because customers who refer your business are likely to leave positive reviews.

Ninety-five percent of customers check reviews before buying from a business. This ongoing engagement between your business, customers, and potential customers will have a massive effect on the success of your store or online platform.

Enhancing the In-Store Experience

The in-store experience also counts as a customer engagement technique. You want people to stay and browse as long as possible. This means creating a sensory-rich environment with appropriate lighting, soft music, and other mood-lifting techniques. Customers appreciate space and visual appeal. So, your store should have an organized layout and eye-catching product displays in strategic areas. Moreover, sales staff should interact with customers in a naturally friendly way, providing product information and recommendations.

Another great way to engage your customers in-store is to host DIY workshops or implement technology that allows them to test products virtually.

Utilizing Technology for Personalized Interactions

Keeping customers engaged while in your store also relies on technology. You can use foot traffic sensors to place products and allocate staff. Loyalty programs and purchase history can help you identify customer preferences. You can use digital signage and facial recognition to personalize customer interactions. Other great in-store touches include smart mirrors, virtual assistants, augmented reality, and personalized greetings.

3. Strategic Merchandising Techniques

In your efforts to make your store more appealing to customers, you should use proven, strategic merchandising techniques.

Optimizing Product Placement

Moving products from one shelf to another is often a fantastic merchandising technique. Placing products at eye level instead of hiding them on the bottom shelf can instantly increase sales.

Also, you should group related items together because it makes the shopping experience more efficient. Something as simple as optimizing product placement will keep your customers in your store longer and motivate them to buy more products.

Creating Eye-Catching Displays

Ideally, you want all your product groupings and placements to be as eye-catching as possible. But don’t leave them arranged the same way for too long. Switch things up, add new products according to seasons and holidays, and always create a clear theme. If your store has a street-facing window, use it for elaborate displays encouraging customers to enter.

Again, all merchandising techniques should be about creating an unforgettable customer experience. Entice them with an incredible window display, make the buying process easy with effective product placement, and don’t forget to use upselling techniques when the customer is ready to pay.

Utilizing Cross-Selling and Upselling Techniques

Cross-selling and upselling techniques in retail stores help them sell complementary and higher-end products. But it is not all about profit. When you upsell a customer, the higher-end product should bring them real value. The same goes for complementary products. They must bring added value to the original product. Sales staff should know enough about all products to explain the value they offer.

These merchandising techniques are usually employed just before a customer gets ready to pay for their purchase because they would be more likely to spend a bit extra.

Consider the Customer Journey

Why do people still visit your store when they can buy similar products online? Because they want to see and hold a product before they buy it. That interaction must bring them the value they need otherwise they won’t buy anything. This is the biggest reason your merchandising techniques must be well thought out. Consider your target audience and what would best appeal to them. Then, get to work arranging your store and customer service accordingly.

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4. Training and Empowerment for Staff

Customer service cannot be overstated in the retail industry. If people drive to your store (or take the time to log into your e-commerce platform), your customer service must be top-notch. Your sales team can only provide excellent service if they are trained and empowered.

Importance of Well-Trained Sales Associates

Training your staff well helps build customer loyalty because they better understand customer needs. It improves communication with customers and ultimately increases sales. Training also helps salespeople better understand suggestive selling techniques. What is suggestive selling? Just a fancier word for upselling.


Motivating and Empowering the Sales Team

When you train your team well, you motivate and empower them to do their jobs to the best of their ability. And you give them a golden opportunity to sharpen their existing skills. Empowered and motivated employees are happy employees. This creates a positive work environment that customers immediately sense when they enter your store.

This positive atmosphere helps create a memorable customer experience, which leads to customer loyalty. Can you see how focusing on your team allows them to focus on the customer, which leads to all these benefits?

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Moreover, allowing your employees to keep learning and improving their skills improves your brand image. Continuous training helps strengthen potential weaknesses in your customer service or product offerings and builds your store’s reputation.

Improved Employee Retention

Since customer loyalty plays a big role in your business’s success, you ideally want customers to deal with the staff member they built a relationship with. Training and empowerment of staff leads to high staff retention, which means customers won’t have to get used to another salesperson or team. High staff retention shows your business’s commitment to staff development and customer service.

5. Leveraging Technology

In addition to happy, motivated staff, your retail business needs technology to increase sales. Modern customers demand a technologically advanced shopping experience, and you can provide this offer the following:

A. Implementing POS Systems and Customer Analytics

Modern POS (point-of-sale) systems provide more than just transaction processing. They capture customer data like purchase history and product preferences to help you build targeted sales strategies. Also, POS data tracks customer behavior and buying patterns. You can use these analytics to create personalized marketing campaigns and dynamic pricing.

B. Utilizing E-Commerce Platforms for Omnichannel Success

Customers also want an uninterrupted buying process whether purchasing products online or offline. An e-commerce platform helps you connect your physical store to a digital one. This means customers can buy from you 24/7, have a larger product selection, and have the option to collect in-store or get free shipping. An e-commerce option also expands your omnichannel offering, which helps increase sales.

C. Integrating Social Media for Marketing and Engagement

Furthermore, using social media platforms will help you showcase your brand and products. You can use social media to reach specific audiences using tailored ads. Even better, you can partner with influencers to promote your products on your behalf. This will help you build more customer relationships and build brand loyalty.

How Podium Can Help Improve Customer Engagement

All these sales techniques are aimed at reaching customers where they are and improving customer engagement. With Podium, you can do this using technology you’ve probably ignored until now: text messaging. Sending one text using the Podium text messaging solution can drive thousands in revenue. Text messages have a 98% open rate, so your tailored messages can increase sales in mere minutes.

Using Podium’s text message solution will help you grow your retail business faster, personalize customer communication, and increase engagement. Read more about this revolutionary marketing and sales solution here.

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