15 Ready-to-Use Sales Follow-Up Email Examples & Template

Kailey Boucher Author Bio

Kailey BoucherContent Marketing Specialist

Discover 15 top sales follow-up email examples and ready-to-use templates to engage your prospects and drive sales.
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15 Top Sales Follow-Up Email Examples + Template

These days, businesses have dozens of ways to engage potential leads, including social media and networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. However, email remains one of the few ways to communicate directly with customers. While email seems like an old-fashioned means of communication, it remains effective in terms of converting leads into customers and building long-lasting relationships with existing clients. 

For example, you can use email campaigns to nurture leads and provide useful content. You can also use emails to follow up on leads who added items to their cart but never checked them out.

Suppose you’ve already incorporated email marketing and email automation tools into your marketing strategy or plan to try them out. In that case, it’s important to note that follow-up emails can get easily thrown into the junk file or buried in thousands of other emails your leads receive. Follow-up emails need to be attractive and well-thought-out to yield results.

What is a follow-up email?

A follow-up email is an email sent to a lead who your sales team has previously contacted or a customer who has already transacted with your business. A follow-up email is different from an outreach message or cold email since you’ve already established contact with the recipient.

Sales teams typically send these emails for different purposes and at different stages of the sales funnel. These emails may be used for gathering information to build better customer profiles for CRM platforms. They can also be used as part of a marketing email sequence, reminding leads of actions they need to take. This may help you close deals and improve your conversion rates. 

Follow-up emails sent after a purchase can also help in improving brand trust and identifying weak points in customer service. Through these emails, you can boost customer satisfaction.

How to Write a Follow-Up Email? Tips & Best Practices

1. Keep it short.

If possible, keep your follow-up email shorter than the sales email. Avoid unnecessary details, but still include pleasantries and keep the content polite and friendly. Short emails show you respect your recipient’s busy schedule.

2. Be honest.

You have to be straightforward with your intentions right off the bat, even if it doesn’t sound pleasing. If you want to know whether the follow-up email is becoming a nuisance, then include the question in the email. By being honest, you can get the information you need and avoid making your recipient feel like you’re wasting their time.

3. Thank the customer for their interest.

You know who opened the email you sent, and you can use this knowledge to your advantage. Recipients who opened your sales email are likely interested, and you can send a follow-up email acknowledging their interest. Telling them you’ve seen that they checked out the email could be a great conversation starter.  

4. Answer their requests.

Promptly addressing the customer’s requests is essential in a follow-up email. Reiterate any specific questions or concerns they raised and provide clear and comprehensive answers. 

By demonstrating that you value their input and are committed to addressing their needs, you show professionalism and dedication. This not only helps in building trust but also increases the chances of converting their interest into a successful business transaction.

5. Personalize the message.

Tailor your follow-up email to the individual recipient. Use their name and refer to specific details or even text messages you exchanged with them. Personalization shows that you value the relationship and are genuinely interested in their specific situation.

6. Add value to your proposal.

Adding value to your proposal is an effective way to make your follow-up email compelling and persuasive. Share relevant resources, case studies, or success stories that showcase the value and effectiveness of your product or service. This is particularly important for B2B businesses reaching out to decision-makers. 

By providing valuable information, you position yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful resource, increasing the recipient’s interest and trust in your offering. Adding value not only strengthens your follow-up email but also sets you apart from competitors who may not offer the same level of expertise and assistance.

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5 Top Sales Follow-Up Email Examples

1. Canva 

canva follow-up sales email example


Canva is a widely used graphic design platform these days. Their follow-up email is an excellent example of what the best sales follow-up email looks like. First, they keep the email short but engaging. They ask two simple yes or no questions and a link to a blog with information that could address the pain points mentioned. 

Asking two simple questions and giving them the answers is a great way to catch the reader’s attention. Another thing that makes this follow-up email a great example is the human touch. The salesperson did not use his full name as an email sign-off but instead used his first name and his position only.  

2. Apple 

apple follow-up sales email example


Everyone knows Apple, and surely many have heard about the company’s legendary customer support. And it is evident in their follow-up email.

Apple’s follow-up email may not be the best example for being short, but it’s a great example of humanizing the customer experience. Instead of using canned responses saying the issue has been resolved, a customer support agent sent a personalized email thanking the customer for appreciating the company’s service.

The email was written by a person and not just by a huge, faceless corporation. It enables the company to create a personal connection with the customer. And like Canva, Apple’s follow-up email signature also uses the sender’s name for a human touch. 

3. ReturnPath

returnpath follow-up sales email example


If you have cold leads and want to know whether you can warm them up or not, you can send a follow-up email like ReturnPath. It’s nothing fancy, but it can get you the desired result. You ask the recipient whether or not he or she is still interested. If the recipient responds yes, then you get a warm lead. If they reply no, your team won’t waste resources nurturing cold leads. 

4. Salesforce

salesforce follow-up sales email example


The most noticeable factor in this Salesforce follow-up email sent to conference attendees is the multiple calls to action (CTAs) used. But it’s important to note that adding more than one CTA won’t always work in all circumstances, as it will make you sound pushy. However, email recipients already know about the product in this situation, so adding multiple CTAs is a great way to increase the chances of converting leads to customers.

The email did not sound pushy, either. Instead, it allowed recipients to learn more about the product instead of asking them to get the solution. 

5. Twilio 

twilio follow-up sales email example


This follow-up email was addressed to Howard, who is likely Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. It’s a great example of aiming high. By addressing the email to the CEO, it is likely to get more serious attention. 

Another notable aspect of the email is its content. Instead of simply listing the platform’s features, the email writer stressed how Twilio can help Starbucks today. This fully personalized and authentic message shows that the company has done its research on the recipient’s unique needs. 

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

Whether you’re setting up an email follow-up sequence for automation or just looking for follow-up templates to use, the examples of sales email templates below can be of great help.

1. Automotive Follow-up Email Template

Car sales are extremely competitive. In addition to providing impeccable service, customer-pleasing deals, and an impressive lot, you’ll need to implement effective marketing strategies to get more customers. A well-written first follow-up email to recent visitors to your dealership can help you convert more leads into customers.

Here’s a sales follow-up email template your car dealership can use.

Hi there, [Recipient’s Name], 

I wanted to personally thank you for visiting our dealership recently. It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing your automotive needs.

If you require additional information about the vehicle you’re interested in or would like to schedule a test drive, please do not hesitate to reach out at any time via email or call.  

All the best, 


2. Healthcare Service Follow-up Email Template

One of the circumstances you may need to send a follow-up email is when a patient misses their appointment. Aside from follow-up emails based on a trigger event like a missed appointment, you can also send a gentle reminder email to ensure your patients don’t miss them in the first place.

Here’s a follow-up email sample you can send to patients:

Hi, [Patient’s First Name], 

We noticed that you were unable to make it to your scheduled appointment. We hope everything is alright. 

You can reschedule using this link. You can always reschedule up to 24 hours before your appointment. No charge.  

If you have any further questions or needs, it would be my pleasure to listen. Please feel free to call me at [phone number].


3. Retail Follow-up Email Template

Sending a follow-up email is a great and affordable way to engage existing customers and encourage repeat purchases.  

Hi, [Customer’s First Name], 

I hope all has been well since the last time we spoke. I am sending an email just to check in and see how you are doing and ensure our [product/service] has been meeting your expectations and needs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please always feel free to get in touch. 


4. Asking for an Update Follow-up Email Template 

There are many circumstances where sales professionals can send an email asking for an update. For instance, you may have met some leads at a recent networking event.

This sales follow-up email is something you can use after having a positive first meeting with leads or potential customers. 

Hi, [Recipient’s First Name],

I have a quick question after our recent meeting. What would make sense to you as our next step?

Thanks for your input.


5. After First Contact Follow-up Email Template

It’s also a wise move to send an email to your prospective or new customer after the first meeting or contact. You can use the email to ‘check in’ with your prospect, provide a recap of your conversation, and mention additional information they might find valuable.

Hey, [Recipient’s First Name], 

I enjoyed our phone call last time. Here is a quick rundown of what will happen next:

Please let me know if you require any other information. I’ll see you at our last meeting on [date] in any case.



6. No Response Follow-up Email Template 

People usually have many things on their to-do lists, so it’s easy to forget to respond to an email. Sales reps must know not to give up on a lead when they don’t respond to the initial email, sales call, or sales pitch. Prospective customers may need only a little encouragement or a gentle reminder about the value of your offer. 

Hey, [Recipient’s First Name], 

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email and make sure you received it.

I understand you’re busy, and I don’t want to be a nuisance. But I wanted to see if there’s anything I can assist you with. Let me know, and I’ll be happy to help!


7. New Customer Follow-up Email Template

Any seasoned marketing and sales team knows that keeping existing customers is easier and cheaper than finding new ones. For this reason, it is still important to send follow-up emails post-sale. What type of follow-up email can you send?

You have three options:

  • Onboarding: It’s all about getting your new customers to experience an “aha moment” with your service or product.
  • Education: You can send resources that could be helpful to your new customer. This follow-up email will help establish your brand as an authority and is a great way to drive regular engagement with your site.
  • Incentives: You can also give new customers incentives to make repeat purchases, like offering coupons or discounts. 

Here’s a follow-up email template you can tweak to send to your client:

Hi, [Customer’s Name],

 Thank you for choosing [Company Name]! As a gesture of appreciation, we would like to offer you an exclusive incentive. Use the code [Discount Code] at checkout to receive [Discount Percentage] off your next purchase.  

 Happy shopping!


8. After a Voicemail Follow-up Email Template 

If you’ve left a voicemail and want to increase your response rates, sending a sales follow-up email can be a good idea. But don’t send one right after your last email, as it can make you look desperate. If you left a voicemail in the morning, wait until the afternoon before sending your follow-up mail.

Hi, [Recipient’s First Name], 

I left you a voicemail earlier today but decided to send an email just in case this is more convenient for you.

I’m reaching out because [mention the purpose of email]. 

Please feel free to reply to this email or give me a call back at [phone number]



9. Promotional Outreach Follow-up Email Template 

Direct email outreach is one of the most effective methods to promote your offer to the right people.  

Hi, [Recipient’s First Name], 

Just a friendly follow-up on our last conversation. I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to follow up on the article about [topic]. I understand your inbox gets flooded, so no pressure if you’re too busy. 

It got me thinking… If [Name] found value in [Competitor Company’s] article, they’ll surely appreciate a fresh perspective on the topic. 

No ulterior motives, just aiming to impress! 



10. Lead Nurturing Follow-up Email Template

Lead nurturing is a great way to stay connected to the leads that aren’t ready to buy from you yet and develop trust until they take action. Unless the recipient tells you that they are not interested or that you should stop bothering them, you can keep sending follow-up sales emails until you get a response.

Hey, [Recipient’s First Name], 

How’s it going? Can we schedule a time to talk or meet up this week?


Follow-up messages play a crucial role in the success of email marketing and the sales process as a whole. Whether you follow up today or next week, just do it. Keep it short, professional, and human. Don’t forget to add value as well.

And as a last tip, make sure to write a great email subject line since it will be the first thing the recipients read, and they use it to decide whether to open the mail or throw it in the junk folder. With the right follow-up email subject line, you can significantly boost email open rates and reply rates.

How to Boost Your Business Sales

Sending well-written follow-up emails is one way to get more customers and boost your business sales. Other strategies that could help you get more customers and profit includes SMS marketing and review marketing.

If you want to fast-track the success of any of those marketing strategies, Podium can help. With multiple tools, including review management, text management, web chat, and inbox, Podium allows you to do more from a single platform.  

Podium’s SMS tool allows companies to send multiple messages simultaneously. There are also 500 templates available so your team does not have to spend much time crafting text messages from scratch.

If you own a website, adding a webchat is another great way to boost sales. With a live chat, your customers can get pre-sales questions and make confident purchases. You can even program your live chat to initiate conversations with your website visitors. 

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