15 Payment Reminder Templates To Respectfully Remind Your Customers

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Podium Staff

Discover effective payment reminder templates to streamline your billing process and ensure timely payments. Enhance your communication with professional, courteous reminders.
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Late payments from customers are irritating. It slows down revenue streams and forces your organization to wait weeks to realize the benefits of its hard work. Even if your payment collection tools are entirely online, it’s easy for customers to forget to pay bills in a timely manner or ignore payment reminders altogether.

To ensure you receive payment on time, you may want to consider using payment reminder templates. These tools are great for sending gentle reminders about payments—whether late or not—and collecting payments on time.

Below, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on writing effective payment reminders and creating reminder email templates you can use again and again. But first, here’s why it’s important to have your customers pay in a timely fashion.

The Importance of Timely Payment and Payment Reminder Texts

Receiving payments from customers on time is a critical factor in your organization’s overall health and sustainability. Timely payments help you maintain a steady cash flow—a critical factor in covering operational expenses, creating growth opportunities, and avoiding costs around borrowing money. A consistent cash flow also helps you pay your suppliers and employees on time, which strengthens relationships and ensures smooth operations.

Additionally, on-time payments lower your risk of collecting bad debts and dealing with the administrative headache of chasing payments from customers. Timely payments help you focus on more important tasks—like delivering great products and services to your customers.

Payment reminder text systems provide excellent benefits. They deliver communications to customers to remind them of their due or overdue payments. They also automate the process of sending text or email reminders, reducing your workload and ensuring no payment deadlines are missed. This method is particularly effective because texts are immediate and have a high open rate, increasing the chances of your customers seeing the message and acting on it promptly.

A well-designed reminder email system should include polite, personalized messages, reinforcing your relationship with customers and showing your commitment to providing excellent service. Ultimately, a payment reminder text system streamlines your overall payment process, increases your chances of receiving payment on time, improves your overall financial stability, and strengthens your relationships with customers.

How to Write a Polite and Firm Payment Reminder Text

When it comes to writing a gentle reminder for an invoice payment, it’s critical to be polite and friendly. If you come across as rude, the chances of customers making a payment are lowered significantly. Here are some best practices for creating an effective payment reminder email or text message—one that encourages action and on-time invoices paid.

  1. Print the Customer’s Invoice Number plus the Due Date in the Email Subject Line

When writing a payment reminder text message or email, be sure to feature the invoice number along with the invoice due date in the message’s subject line. This subject line informs your customer about the purpose of the message. It also helps to grab people’s attention and conveys urgency without them opening the email.

For example, a subject line that reads “Payment Reminder: Invoice #456 is Due on July 20, 2024” is great. It’s straightforward, concise, and reminds the recipient of the due date. This information prompts them to make the payment as quickly as possible, increasing the chances of an on-time payment.

2. Reattach the Original Invoice to Your Payment Reminder Message

Customers don’t want to go hunting for information—especially when making payments. Including critical information—like the original invoice and invoice number—in an invoice email allows them to avoid searching for information. Plus, it reminds customers of what they’re paying for, giving them the chance to ask clarifying questions if needed.

In the payment reminder email, open the message with, “Thanks for choosing [name of your business]! Please find the original invoice attached for your reference.” or something similar, like, “Thanks for doing business with us! Attached is your original invoice with a due date of July 21, 2024.”

3. Write Short, Professional—But Still Friendly—Copy

Keep your invoice email brief, clear, and to the point, but don’t forget to maintain a friendly, professional tone. Taking this approach helps your customers feel more at ease and encourages a positive response. It also lets you maintain a good relationship with your customers.

For example, you could try, “Dear [Customer Name], Thanks for doing business with us! Here’s a reminder that your invoice #123 for $100 is due on July 20, 2024. Please make your payment by the 20th to avoid late fees. Thank you!”

4. Include Accepted Payment Ways and the Payment Terms

Your invoice email should also include available payment methods and communicate them to your customers. Doing this makes it easier for customers to take immediate action, increasing the chances of on-time payments. It also breaks down barriers or uncertainties about how to make payments.

For example, say: “You can make your online payment via our portal, PayPal, or credit or debit card. Please refer to the attached invoice for additional payment details or to review payment terms.”

When should payment reminder messages be sent?

The timing of past-due invoice reminders is a balancing act. Send one too soon and customers will feel like you’re nagging them. Send one too late and you decrease the chances of an on-time payment. A good timeline to follow is sending a reminder:

  • A week before the due date: This reminds customers of their upcoming balance and allows them to make necessary plans as needed. It also gives them the chance to ask clarifying questions or ask for an extension if needed.
  • On the due date: This encourages prompt action from your customers. Including a direct link to your online payment platform or collection tool also increases the chances of an on-time payment.
  • One week after the due date: This reminds customers of their outstanding balance and encourages them to make a payment as soon as possible.

Following this schedule gently nudges your customers towards making a payment without feeling overwhelmed. It also reduces late payments, having to get a collection agency involved, and keeps your cash flow coming.

Remember to keep your messages clear, professional, and friendly to maintain a positive relationship with your customers.

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15 Payment Reminder Templates Ready to Send

With the best practices for overdue invoice emails and text messages in mind, take a look at a few examples. Here are some reminder email templates broken down to follow the timeline above.

A Week Before Payment Due Date

  1. Subject: A Friendly Reminder—Invoice #123456 is Due in One Week!

Dear [Customer], A friendly reminder that your invoice (#12345) for $450 is due Wednesday, July 20, 2024. Please arrange payment at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

2. Subject: Your Upcoming Payment is Due: Invoice #12345

Hello [Customer Name],

A quick reminder—invoice #12345, totaling $450, is due on Wednesday, July 20. We appreciate your timely payment.

3. Subject: Reminder: Invoice #12345 Due Soon

Hi [Customer Name],

I wanted to remind you that your invoice payment #12345, amounting to $300, is due in a week on Wednesday, July 20. Please reach out if you have questions regarding your payment.

4. Subject Line: Invoice #12345 is Due in Seven Days

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for doing business with us! Just a reminder: invoice #12345 of $340 is due in seven days (one week). Please let us know if you have any questions!

5. Subject Line: 7 Days Until Invoice #12345 is Due

Hi [Customer Name],

Thanks for your business! As a reminder, invoice #12345 for $500 is due in one week on July 20, 2024. Please make arrangements for your payment at your earliest convenience and get in touch with us if you have questions.

Due Date Reminder

6. Subject Line: Invoice #12345 is Due Today

Dear [Customer],

We wanted to send a quick reminder that your invoice payment #12345 for $240 is due today, Wednesday, July 20. We’ve attached the original invoice to this email should you have any questions. Please make your payment with our online payment portal so you can avoid past due fines. You can also contact us through our billing department by calling 123-456-7890. We appreciate your prompt payment.

7. Subject Line: Payment Due Today: Invoice #12345

Hello [Customer Name],

A friendly reminder your invoice #12345, totaling $500, is due today. You can review the original invoice in the file attachment. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your payment. If not, please pay using our online payment portal, PayPal, or bank transfer. Thank you!

8. Subject Line: Reminder: Payment for Invoice #12345 Due Today

Hi [Customer Name],

Just a quick reminder that invoice #12345 for $500 is due today, July 20, 2024. Please send your payment via bank transfer or credit card. We’ve attached your original invoice here. If you have any questions, let us know and we’ll send a follow up email. We look forward to receiving your payment!

9. Subject Line: Your Invoice (#12345) is Due Today

Hi [Customer Name],

Your invoice, #12345, for $500 is due today! You can make your payment using a credit card or PayPal. Thank you for your payment!

10. Subject Line: It’s Time to Pay Invoice #12345!

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for doing business with us! Invoice #12345 for $500 is due today, July 20, 2024. We’ve attached your original payment invoice to this message should you have any questions. Please make your payment using our online payment portal at your earliest convenience so you can avoid late fees. Thank you!

One Week After Due Date

11. Subject Line: Past Due: Invoice #12345

Dear [Customer Name],

We’ve noticed your invoice #12345, due on Wednesday, July 20, is unpaid. Please arrange payment as soon as possible via our online payment portal or follow the payment link below. If you have questions, please contact us. Thank you!

12. Subject: Payment Reminder: Overdue Payment for Invoice #12345

Hello [Customer Name],

Our records indicate that invoice #12345, due on July 20, 2024, is overdue. Please review the payment terms attached in your invoice and contact us if you have questions. If not, please make your payment using our online payment portal as soon as possible. Thank you!

13. Subject Line: Outstanding Payment Reminder: Invoice #12345

Hi [Customer Name],

This is a gentle reminder that invoice #12345, due on July 20, 2024, has not been paid. Please arrange payment at your earliest convenience via a bank transfer or through our online payment portal. Thank you!

14. Subject Line: You Have an Outstanding Balance: Invoice #12345

Hi [Customer Name],

I noticed that your invoice, #12345 for $500, has not been paid. Is there anything I can do to help with payment? If not, please pay the outstanding balance using our online payment portal. We’ll send a final notice in a few more days if your balance remains unpaid.

Thank you!

15. Subject Line: Your Invoice #12345 is Overdue for Payment

Hi [Customer Name],

We have not received your $500 payment for Invoice #12345. We’ve included your original invoice for your review. If you don’t have any questions, please make your payment using PayPal or a credit card at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

Automate Payment Reminder Messages with Podium

Using a reminder email template increases your chances of getting paid on time and in full. Using the email samples above in your own processes can help you avoid past due payments, avoid involving a collection agency, and get paid on time.

To automate the process of sending payment reminder messages, use Podium. Podium’s messaging platform allows you to text customers and get confirmation texts in real-time while Podium Payments helps you collect payments quickly and easily.

To learn more about how Podium can help you automate communication for scheduling, payments, and more, watch a free demo today.

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