Mortgage CRM Software & Solutions You Can Use to Generate Leads

Isaiah Rendorio Headshot

Isaiah RendorioProduct Marketing Manager, Campaigns

Getting ahead in the mortgage industry means staying organized and on top of your game. Here are some options for a mortgage CRM that you can consider adding to your toolbox.
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Mortgage companies often struggle with managing their customer relationships, leading to a loss of valuable opportunities for growth and revenue. In a world where everything is moving online, it’s nearly impossible to keep track of all customer interactions, leads, and conversion rates. That’s where a customer relationship management (CRM) software comes in handy.

Mortgage brokers need somewhere to organize all the information regarding their current clients and potential clients. A CRM tool can help businesses track customer interactions, update contact information, and organize deals and leads. With a better understanding of each customer’s unique needs, small businesses can provide targeted insights and offer personalized solutions that boost sales and satisfaction rates. Additionally, CRM software helps businesses track their conversion rates, highlighting areas where they need to improve and making it easier to monitor overall performance.

What is a Mortgage CRM Software? 

At its core, a mortgage CRM system is a database that helps mortgage brokers monitor and track their customer interactions. This can include information about leads, such as their contact information, where they came from, and what actions they have taken on your website or social media channels. With this information, you can better target your customers and ensure that you are providing them with personalized and relevant information.

Benefits of Mortgage CRM Software

Customer relationship management is a strategy that helps you manage your client interactions. Given that mortgage brokers tend to repeatedly interact with their clients throughout securing a loan, a CRM can help you stay organized.

Using a mortgage CRM will also allow you to improve your lead generation in several ways, including: 

  • Automation
  • Referral management
  • Pipeline management
  • Lead nurturing
  • Reporting and analytics

We’ll dive into each of these points below. 


With a CRM, you can automate many routine tasks that would normally take up a lot of your time. For example, you can set up automated email campaigns to improve communication with clients and prospects or automate your appointment scheduling process. This frees up more time for you to focus on higher-value activities, like building relationships with your clients.

Referral Management

One of the most effective ways to grow your mortgage business is through referrals, but keeping track of all those referrals can be a challenge. A CRM software lets you centralize all your referral data, making it easy to track and manage. You can even segment your clients by referral source, and use this information to personalize your marketing efforts.

Pipeline Management

A CRM gives you a clear, real-time view of your sales pipeline, allowing you to make better decisions on how to allocate your time and resources. You can see at a glance how many deals are in progress, which ones are most likely to close, and which ones need more attention. This helps you prioritize your sales activities and capture more leads

Lead Nurturing

A CRM also enables you to engage with potential clients through targeted, personalized messaging so that you can guide them through the buying process. You can segment your leads based on their interests, preferences, and behavior, and then deliver relevant and timely content that speaks directly to their needs. This way, you can build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry, while keeping your leads warm until they are ready to make a decision.

Reporting and Analytics

Finally, a CRM provides you with a wealth of data that you can use to measure your performance and optimize your sales efforts. You can track your conversion rates, lead sources, deal stages and more, and use this information to identify areas of improvement. With this level of insight, you can continuously refine and improve your strategies, and stay ahead of the competition.

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The 7 Best Mortgage CRM Software & Solutions for Small Businesses

1. BNTouch

BNTouch has several different plans, and as an independent mortgage broker, you are most likely to opt for the Individual Plan. If you have others working for you, you may want the Team plan, which starts at two users. Just keep in mind that there is a limit of 2,500 records per user.

Key Features

BNTouch incorporates marketing materials into its mortgage CRM, thanks to unlimited video marketing, unlimited emails and campaigns, and voice and text marketing. You will find more than 180 premade pieces of content to use in your campaigns. The text and voice marketing allows for automated text messages as well as pre-recorded voice messages.

Lead conversion is another strong point of this mortgage CRM, thanks to an integrated, automated environment. You also get the incorporation of a digital loan platform, including online 1003, in-processing updates, digital documentation management, unique portals for partners and borrowers, and in-app push notifications.

To help you keep clients happy, earn referrals, and increase their chances of returning to you for future mortgages, BNTouch also incorporates follow-ups at 5, 10, and 15 years after loans are closed or canceled. You can configure this however you want, including email and text.

There are also alerts for things like birthdays as well as refinance opportunities to maintain a strong relationship with clients. This mortgage CRM also includes:

  • Collaboration tools
  • Surveys
  • Websites and landing pages
  • Live chat on your website
  • Built-in e-signatures
  • Curated content for social media

Lead Generation

This mortgage CRM helps with converting leads once you have generated them, via the integrated marketing features and notifications for birthdays and opportunities.

2. Cimmaron Software

Cimmaron Software is a mortgage CRM designed to help you close more loans, increase referrals, and convert leads.

Key Features

This mortgage CRM includes:

  • Automated marketing
  •  Lead management
  • Contact management
  • Video email marketing
  • Two-way texting
  • User chat
  • LOS integration
  • Mobile apps
  • Automated surveys
  • Data security
  • Customization

In terms of automated marketing, you can take advantage of the CRM’s pre-built drip campaigns, monthly newsletters, milestone e-Cards, videos in email marketing, and co-branded marketing. You can also use Cimmaron CRM to track performance, such as click-throughs and open rates.

Cimmaron includes customizable dashboards, the ability to view loan statuses and calculations, and the ability to view the complete contact history, along with Outlook integration. These specific features help you maintain a strong relationship with current clients and potential clients. 

Lead Generation

To help you generate leads, Cimmaron CRM integrates with all of the major predictive dialers and lead providers. You can customize the business rules for lead distribution and use the mobile app or the desktop version to automate lead distribution. The software also lets you track conversion rates, assign campaigns, and manage contacts.

3. Jungo

Jungo is the version of the Jungo CRM focused on mortgage brokers and those in the mortgage industry. Jungo prides itself on being the “most integrated mortgage CRM.” It can integrate with loan providers like Encompass by Ellie Mae, Calyx, and Byte; email providers like Gmail and Outlook; and marketing and sales tools like BombBomb, Optimal Blue, Phone Burner, Floify, Act-On, Mortgage Coach, and Salesforce.

Key Features

Jungo mortgage CRM lets you add and manage your contacts no matter where you are, as long as you have an internet connection. Even better, Jungo has a mobile application so you can easily access the information from your smartphone.

It also lets you create reports on-demand, letting you easily track distributions, payments, and cost allocations.

This mortgage CRM incorporates features to manage and organize mortgage documents, including customizing the documents and storing everything in a secure location.

Jungo also includes automation of the workflow from lead generation to loan management, thus increasing productivity and efficiency throughout the entire customer journey, from when they are leads to when you are working with clients to find them the right mortgage for their needs.

Some other features of Jungo include:

  • Listing alerts when client or loans have properties listed
  • Synchronization with your Loan Origination Software
  • Loan document management
  • Lead capture based on zone or zip code
  • Referrals with automated pipeline reports for tracking the most profitable relationships
  • Email marketing and integration
  • Video emails
  • Post-close marketing
  • Loan milestone alerts
  • Mortgage reviews
  • Integrated SMS messaging
  • Ability to run pricing engine quotes
  • Powered by Salesforce

Generating Leads

Generating leads with Jungo is easy thanks to lead providers like Zillow, Lending Tree, Informa, Twilio, Lead Mailbox, and Trulia.

Workflow automation is also beneficial in terms of lead generation, as it helps you convert the leads.

4. Surefire CRM

Surefire CRM prides itself on being the most-used CRM within the mortgage industry. It was created with lenders in mind but also works well for mortgage brokers. The software was designed to help you market to your database, close more loans, and improve your referral relationships.

Key Features

This mortgage CRM has some features targeted to others in the industry, such as creating single property sites and open house flyers. Most of the features are also beneficial for you as a mortgage broker.

For example, you can integrate Surefire CRM with your Loan Operating System in real-time for up-to-date information. You can also take advantage of other integrations, such as Zapier. The subscription also includes open APIs if you are a developer or want to hire one.

There are numerous creative features to help with your marketing, including hundreds of templates for email, a media library of social media content and posts, professional-quality flyers, interactives, games, calculators, and videos.

In terms of customer relationship management, this mortgage CRM has print and email workflows to automate marketing. You can also set recurring deployments, letting you plan and reduce efforts in the future. To help you maintain a relationship after closing, the software has a Client for Life workflow and closing gifts.  

You can also automate database marketing and enjoy intelligent monitoring of the full database. There are also numerous features to help manage your relationship with partners, including co-branded content, workflows, and PartnerNetwork.

Generating Leads

In addition to all of the above features, Surefire CRM helps in lead generation with power calls and power messaging. The forms allow you to automate the process of capturing leads. The software also incorporates landing pages and surveys for further lead collection. You can also take advantage of Rate Alerts to mine your database for new leads. You can add a new lead while away from your office via the Surefire Mobile.  

5. Unify CRM

 Unify CRM prides itself on offering the “first complete mobile CRM for the mortgage industry.” This is a mobile application that includes many of the features from Unify’s other services, all of which are designed specifically for the mortgage industry. Both the mobile and non-mobile versions let you create flyers, start marketing campaigns, view loan details, set reminders, manage leads, view contacts, and more.

Key Features

When it comes to managing your contacts, Unify CRM lets you add contacts, adjust contact details and contact groups, send marketing, create or add notes, and schedule follow-ups. You can also perform similar functions for leads.

This mortgage CRM also has alerts for customers, opportunities, mortgage inquiries, property listings, and hot prospects.

It also features your full loan pipelines, including viewing the pipelines, loan details, and contacts. Unify also features a marketing library, video marketing, the ability to import phone contacts, text messaging, a customizable dashboard, a mortgage calculator, and a calendar for tasks and scheduled calls.

Unify also includes a real-time integration with your Loan Origination System, including monitoring more than 200 fields and mining the data in the LOS to help you spot new opportunities.

Lead Generation

If your main goal with the mortgage CRM is lead generation, you will appreciate the ability to add and view leads on Unify CRM, add notes about leads, form lead groups, and send marketing to leads. The multi-channel marketing features will help you convert those leads.

6. Whiteboard 

Whiteboard CRM

Whiteboard is incredibly user-friendly. Whether you’re a tech-savvy broker or a newbie, this tool is designed to be easily navigable and intuitive. With its user interface, you can quickly find what you need and access features that are crucial to your business.

One of the most significant benefits of the Whiteboard CRM is that it allows you to automate your lead generation. Using advanced algorithms and lead-scoring capabilities, it helps you identify high-potential leads and nurture them effectively. This means you can save time on your manual lead generation efforts and focus on closing deals instead.

Another key feature of the Whiteboard CRM is its detailed analytics and reporting capabilities. It provides you with real-time data on your leads and sales funnel, helping you make informed decisions based on solid data analysis. This is crucial in the fast-paced mortgage industry, where staying on top of your game is key to success.

The Whiteboard CRM also integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms, including social media and email marketing platforms. This makes it easy for you to manage all of your communication channels in one place and streamline your marketing efforts.

Lead Generation 

Now, let’s talk about how the Whiteboard CRM helps you generate leads. By automating your lead generation efforts, the tool helps you identify potential clients who are most likely to convert into business. It also provides you with relevant data on your leads, including their preferences, interests, and previous interaction with your brand. This helps you personalize your marketing efforts, making your communication more effective and persuasive.

7. Pipedrive

Pipedrive CRM

Pipedrive is a CRM platform explicitly designed to cater to the needs of mortgage brokers. It comes with a host of features that make lead generation and lead nurturing a breeze.

One of the most significant advantages of Pipedrive is that it allows you to manage your deals better. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can keep track of every stage of the mortgage process, from initial contact to final closing.

The software also boasts a robust reporting module, which goes a long way toward analyzing your sales pipeline, allowing you to make data-driven decisions as far as generating leads is concerned.

In addition to its powerful features, Pipedrive is also extremely user-friendly, making it easy for mortgage brokers to get up to speed quickly. You can customize the interface to match your sales process, and you’ll love how the platform integrates seamlessly with other tools such as Google Suite, Zapier, and Mailchimp.

How to Choose the Right CRM Software & Solution: 3 Tips

Not all CRM programs are created equal, and it’s essential to find the right fit for your specific business needs. Here are three tips to keep in mind to make the selection process a bit easier. 

1. Prioritize Automation

As a mortgage professional, you are likely dealing with a large volume of client data, including loan application forms, financial documents, and other sensitive information. Automating your data entry processes can save you invaluable time while minimizing potential errors.

2. Consider Usability

A CRM is only as useful as the user who’s working with it. A complicated and challenging CRM program can be a nightmare for your team, leading to an underutilized and ineffective system. On the other hand, a user-friendly program that simplifies your workflow can help increase productivity and ensure your team’s buy-in. 

3. Consider Integration Possibilities with Your Workflow

Your CRM software should work seamlessly with the other tools and applications you use to manage your workflow. Look for a CRM that can integrate with your mortgage origination software, accounting systems, and marketing automation tools. This integration will help keep your data consistent and streamlined, and eliminate the need for double entry of data. It could also mean access to a host of features and functionalities that work with your CRM to fully optimize your business practices.

Other Strategies to Generate More Leads

We saved the best for last—Podium.

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Podium will help you take your review game to the next level. As you know, online reviews can make or break a business. Podium makes it easy for your clients to leave reviews with the power of text. You’ll be able to build up your online presence, attract potential clients, and more. 

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Podium’s Webchat tool allows you to communicate with potential clients who visit your website in real-time thanks to, you guessed it, the power of text. With Webchat, you can take the conversation offline and turn website visitors into loyal customers.

Tap into Text Marketing

With a high open rate and a whole lot of convenience, text messaging has the power to transform your business. By sending targeted messages directly to potential clients‘ phones, you can increase your chances of converting them into customers. Plus, you can easily track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Ready to generate more leads and grow your business? Start a free trial of Podium today. It’s risk-free, no strings attached. 

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