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35 Live Chat Script Examples and Templates for Your Business

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Podium Staff

Explore live chat examples and learn how to leverage this channel to boost sales and customer satisfaction. Connect better with customers!
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More and more businesses are incorporating live chat into their customer support systems. Why? Mainly because customers love it. Live chat support is often more convenient for them than emailing or calling customer service. Instead of waiting hours to days for a response to their question or to get their problem addressed, customer needs are met through immediate assistance. Companies also stand to benefit from live chat. With improved customer support, businesses can increase customer engagement and loyalty, resulting in more sales and revenue.

However, using live chat doesn’t automatically ensure these positive impacts. Your company’s live chat responses need to be effective, both in how they communicate with customers and their ability to resolve problems or answer questions. That’s where live chat scripts come in. Using pre-written scripts can help your support team (live agents, chatbots, or AI-powered virtual agents) meet customer expectations while ensuring a consistent experience.

What is a live script chat?

This form of customer support is exactly what it sounds like—a live chat between a support agent and customer using a pre-written script or predetermined conversation flow. Live scripted chats help guide the conversation from start to finish, offering agents written templates for greeting customers and finding out information, to thanking the customer and closing the conversation.

Having pre-written scripts also helps your support agent deal with different support scenarios, such as troubleshooting issues, dealing with difficult or angry customers, transferring customers, or sharing resources and other information.

Scripts for live customer service chats can go well beyond answering FAQs, handling inquiries about products or services, collecting payment or dealing with billing issues, managing orders and tracking shipping, or other circumstances. Your business can even use live chat scripts for more complex scenarios to help collect the right customer information and route support to the appropriate agent.

Implementing live chat with scripts not only helps your customers get faster, more effective support, but it also offers your business many benefits, including:

  • Letting agents quickly reply to common questions and requests, so customers don’t have to wait: This scenario is great for people and your business, increasing customer satisfaction while improving your support team’s response time. 
  • Ensuring agents use the right tone and language so all customers get consistent, professional help: A major part of customer satisfaction and loyalty is making sure your customers have a consistent experience with your business, and live chat scripts make this task much easier.
  • Automating repetitive tasks, freeing up agents for more complex issues—creating a win-win for everyone: Customer support issues, such as tracking the shipment of an order, sharing coupon codes, or giving customers more information about your products, can be automated. Taking simple customer service issues off your agent’s plates gives them time to handle more complex cases and revenue-generating work.
  • Keeping your agents focused and help guide support flows: Live chat scripts allow your agents to direct conversations toward logical outcomes based on customer responses. Scripts prevent them from being in a situation where they don’t know how to respond or move forward and also keep the entire interaction more efficient.
  • Training purposes: Whether you need to train human agents or an AI-powered web chat, live chat scripts are the perfect training material. They help support agents prepare for all scenarios and are great for testing out the capabilities of your virtual agents.

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35 Best Live Chat Examples and Templates

Live chat scripts and templates help your customers and agents save time, but they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. Personalizing your scripts for each customer and using the right language, tone, and voice for your industry and business is crucial for achieving higher customer satisfaction. Some businesses may need to use more casual scripts that include slang, while others may need a serious, professional tone.

For instance, an auto business selling car parts caters to a different audience than a MedSpa selling skincare products, and neither business would want to use the same exact wording as the other. When using pre-written scripts or templates, adjusting the language or tone to reflect your brand and product or service offerings is a must.

You’ll also want to ensure the scripts you’re using reflect common scenarios or questions your customers have, which may vary based on your industry or customer demographics. They should also align with your business goals. If one of your goals is to increase sales, for example, you may want to use upselling, cross-selling, or promotional scripts to increase conversions. Other companies may want to get more customer reviews, requiring customer feedback request scripts.

It’s also critical to use personalized templates, where you address the customers by their names instead of generic titles. Personalized scripts help your customers feel seen and connected, like they’re having a meaningful conversation (even if they’re chatting with a virtual agent).

To help your business get started, we’ve put together some of the best live chat templates and scripts for common business scenarios below.

Live Chat Greeting Examples

First impressions matter. How your customer-facing support team opens the conversation sets the foundation for how the entire experience will go and can make or break the success of your live chat. That’s why it’s so important to get your greeting right. Live chat greetings should be friendly, approachable, and set the customer up for a great experience.

Here are a few script examples to consider:

  1. Hey there, [Customer Name]! Happy to see you here in our chat. What can we do to help you today?
  1. Welcome back, [Customer Name]! What can I help you with this time?
  1. Hi there! I see you’re browsing [product/service page]. Can I answer any questions or help you find something specific?
  1. Thanks for contacting us, [Customer Name]. I’m happy to assist you with that today.
  1. Hello, [Customer Name]! Would you like help tracking your latest order, or do you need other assistance?
  1. Hello, [Customer Name]! I’m [Agent Name], and I would love to help you out. What can I get started on for you?
  1. It’s wonderful to see you again, [Customer Name]! We hope your last issue is resolved, but if not, [Business Name] is happy to offer more assistance in any way we can.
  1. Welcome to [Business Name], [Customer Name]! I’m [Agent Name], and I’ll be your customer support agent today. I can answer any questions you may have or get the exact information you’re looking for. Just shoot me a message and I’ll get right on it!
  1. Hi [Customer Name], welcome back! Can I help you book a new appointment or help you out in another way today?
  1. Thanks for contacting us, [Customer Name]. I’m [Agent Name] and I’d love to help you today. What can I take care of first?

Live Chat Information Gathering Examples

Whether your customer service team is trying to troubleshoot a problem or route a more complex issue to the correct team member for resolution, gathering the right information is key. A pre-written script helps your agents make sure they’re collecting the most relevant information for a particular scenario, so the conversation can efficiently solve their problem in as little time as possible.

It’s common for support agents to need to confirm a customer’s identity, ask them for account details, or get more specifics about the issue they’re dealing with. Here are some information-gathering script templates your business can use to make this process easier:

  1. Hi [Customer Name], can you please clarify what you mean about [X] to better understand the situation?
  1. Thanks for reaching out, [Customer Name]! To help solve this faster, could you please send me a [photo or screenshot, order number, description of the problem, etc.]?
  1. We’re on it but need a bit more information before we can resolve this. Could you send us [any additional information that you need]?
  1. Hi [Customer Name], I’m so sorry you ran into this issue! To get this resolved quickly, could you please share a little more info about [the details your agent needs]?
  1. I’m happy to help you with your order, [Customer Name]. Can you confirm your name, email, order number, and shipping address for me?
  1. Yes, [Customer Name], I can help you with that! First, can you share any steps you’ve already tried to fix the problem?
  1. I’m happy to help you get this billing issue resolved, [Customer Name]. To do so, I’ll need to confirm some additional information from you. Do you have a bill or statement handy, and can you share your account number with me?
  1. Ok, [Customer Name]. I just need a few more details about your account. Can you please provide [the information your agent needs]?
  1. That sounds frustrating, [Customer Name]. Let me get right on that. First, I’ll need to verify some information for security purposes. Can you share your [account number, order number, etc.]?
  1. I want to help you get this fixed as quickly as possible, [Customer Name]. To do so, I’ll need you to share your account information and walk me through what you’ve already tried.

Live Chat De-Escalation Examples

Even your most experienced and best-trained support agents are going to experience problems with upset or frustrated customers. Pre-written chat templates prepare your customer service team for unhappy customers (which can be extremely jarring when you’re not expecting it) and they empower your agents to stay composed and de-escalate these scenarios quickly.

Demonstrating empathy, offering an apology, or taking accountability can go a long way in a difficult conversation. Scripts written to diffuse a situation can result in a better experience for both customers and agents and can help resolve more issues while reducing angry hang-ups.

Here are some de-escalation scripts to consider for your business:

  1. Thanks for letting us know about this. We apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, would [solution] be helpful?
  1. I hear you, and we appreciate your feedback. We’ll be sure to pass it on to the [responsible department] team.
  1. We’re working hard to better understand this issue, and we should have an update for you within [X time].
  1. Unfortunately, that promotion was time-limited and is no longer available. While I’m unable to apply that to your order, I can offer you [price match or other promotion]. Is that something you’re interested in?
  1. I understand how frustrating that must be, [Customer Name]. What can we do to make this right for you?
  1. I’m sorry you’re still dealing with this issue, [Customer Name]. I’m going to bring in my team and prioritize your case so we can get this fixed by [X time]. Thank you for your patience.
  1. We’re so sorry you’re experiencing this problem. Our team is aware of the issue and is working hard to get it fixed as soon as possible.
  1. Yes [Customer Name], I can see why you feel so frustrated! I apologize for the delay and I’m going to discuss your issue with my supervisor to come up with a solution for you.
  1. I’m sorry to hear that [your product or service] didn’t meet your expectations. Let me see what we can do to make things right for you.
  1. [Customer Name], I understand how frustrated you must feel! You’ve just come into some luck, though, because I can help you fix this problem quickly. Would you like to get started?

Live Chat Closing Examples

How you wrap up your customer service conversation matters. Instead of an abrupt ending that can leave your customers feeling as if they were dismissed, focus on closing your live chat like you would with a close friend. Here are some examples to use:

  1. Happy we could be of service! Before we end the conversation, is there anything else I can help you with?
  1. It looks like you haven’t responded in a while. We’re here if you need us, but I’ll close the chat for now. Have a great day!
  1. We’re always here to support you! Feel free to reach out to us anytime, [Customer Name], if you have any further questions.
  1. Thanks for visiting [Business Name] today. Please let me know if we can help you with anything else before we close out the chat.
  1. We’re so glad we could help you today! If you have a moment, could you please fill out a short survey after our conversation? Your response will help us improve your experience in the future.

Improve Your Live Chat With Podium

Live website chat is a great way to increase customer support and satisfaction. It helps your business connect and engage with new leads and customers to improve their experience and close more sales. See how Podium’s Website Chat software for businesses helps you connect with visitors in real-time—helping answer questions, schedule appointments, and make more sales in a friendly, convenient way.

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