3 Ways to Increase Efficiency and Grow With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

kristen baker, content marketing

Kristen BakerHead of Growth Content

Discover three ways to increase efficiency and productivity, and grow better and faster, with artificial intelligence (AI).
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Discover three ways to increase efficiency and productivity, and grow better and faster, with artificial intelligence (AI).

As a business owner, you know the importance of efficiency. You also understand how crucial it is to respond to your customers quickly, but balancing multiple priorities can be challenging when you want to dedicate as much time to all areas of your business.

  • Reply to every customer that sends you feedback, inquiries, and questions. However, you only have the time and the staff to respond to those who need one-on-one support.
  • Send personalized and timely messages to customers about appointments, order updates, and product questions. How- ever, based on the number of customers you communicate with regularly, a generic/bulk message is your only option.
  • Ask your staff what they talk about with customers so you can better understand your market and buyers. But you don’t have time for a debrief after every call.

Now imagine a way to accomplish all of those tasks (and others) while saving time. A way to get more work done faster, collect customer insights quickly, deliver personalized communications that increase loyalty, and respond to leads within two minutes of receiving their messages.

With artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered communication, all of the above is possible— and more.

Continue reading this playbook to learn three ways businesses like yours can increase efficiency with AI to ultimately drive growth.

Now imagine a way to accomplish all of those tasks (and others) while saving time. A way to get more work done faster, collect customer insights quickly, deliver personalized communications that increase loyalty, and respond to leads within two minutes of receiving their messages.

With artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered communication, all of the above is possible— and more.

Continue reading this article to learn three ways businesses like yours can increase efficiency with AI to ultimately drive growth.

3 Ways to Increase Efficiency and Grow With AI

1. Send Google review invites and responses 2x faster.

81% of consumers evaluate local businesses through Google Reviews. But it’s not just about having Google Reviews—it’s also about responding to them. Responding to Google Reviews can decrease customer churn by 15%. And businesses that respond to Reviews are seen as 1.7x more trustworthy to customers.

The challenge? Sending personalized Google review invites and responding to every customer review is time-consuming.

With an AI-powered communication platform, your business can send personalized Google review invites and responses to customers two-times faster than it would take you to do so manually.

Personalized review invites based on previous interactions convert more of those invites into reviews. And by personalizing responses, you’ll drive customer loyalty.

In addition to giving you the option to efficiently send personalized invites and responses, AI can ensure they sound human and on-brand in bulk.

This means you can win over your competition, improve brand credibility and online reputation, and repeatedly respond fast enough to avoid missing out on business.

2. Send marketing texts that convert.

For many local business owners, knowing which marketing tactics are the best and most effective can be challenging. For example, you may not know what types of messages to send to leads or what to say in your message.

The good news is that you can always rely on text marketing to help drive more revenue for your business. Texts have the unique ability to engage and convert your local target audience into paying customers. In fact, texting has a 98% open rate, and 20% of customers who receive a text message from a small business make a purchase.

Rather than guessing about the right text to send to your leads or customers, lean on an AI-powered texting platform that writes high-quality and conversion-oriented text marketing content for you.

AI leverages industry analysis, customer history, and even templates that you’ve approved to craft marketing messages that work—all in a matter of seconds.

3. Automate the collection of Call Summaries.

Summaries of phone calls with customers give the context you need to provide personalized customer experiences that drive loyalty and business growth.

However, it’s not always easy or possible to collect detailed call summaries—especially if you’re in the field or have more than one tech or rep speaking with a single customer throughout their journey.

An AI-powered phone system automatically summarizesevery call for you. This includes calls that happen on personal phones or anywhere else (since all calls get directed to a single line). That means you’ll always have access to end-to-end conversation history with prospects and customers.

Reference call summaries to have better conversations with customers and easily identify key talking points (including customer challenges, availability, and contact information). You can also use AI-powered call summaries to:

  • Avoid hand-writing notes or slowing down a conversation to document topics discussed.
  • Deliver proactive customer service that builds trust and retention.
  • Learn what your target audience cares about to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Train new and existing employees to improve the customer experience.
  • Avoid asking a caller to repeat themselves.
  • Bring all of your customer communications, no matter the channel, into a shared Inbox to keep your contacts up to date.

Ready to grow?

See immediate impact with Podium’s suite of lead management and communication tools.

Understand the Power of All-in-One, AI-Powered Communication

Streamlining communication and creating memorable customer experiences are important to your business, but doing so can easily dominate your day-to-day. In fact, small businesses spend about 13 hours a week just qualifying leads and answering common questions. But with an AI-powered platform, that weekly average gets immediately cut in half.

AI empowers small and local businesses to prioritize efficiency and sustainable growth with faster response times and more personalized, growth-driving customer interactions. And, it’s possible across all customer communication channels including phone, text, reviews, webchat, and more.

Podium is the AI-powered communication platform that can do it all.

Streamline your entire business.

See immediate impact with Podium’s suite of lead management and communication tools.

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