How to Find and Copy Your Facebook URL

Isaiah Rendorio Headshot

Isaiah RendorioProduct Marketing Manager, Campaigns

Tired of looking for your business's Facebook URL? Make it easy on yourself with this simple tutorial which eliminates the confusion of Facebook URL's.
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facebook url on a computer screen

Facebook is more than just a place to play games and look at pictures of your best friend’s sister’s former roommate’s kids. For the over two billion users who log in to Facebook every month, Facebook also acts as a portal to information about businesses. What users learn on Facebook can shape their actions and purchasing decisions. Since 68 percent of Americans use Facebook, your business’s Facebook Page can be a powerful marketing tool.

However, getting traffic to your Facebook Page isn’t as easy as it used to be. As algorithms change, organic reach on Facebook Pages is dropping. For businesses, this can mean potential customers won’t find your Facebook Page as easily as they used to—or at all.

To ensure your potential customers find your Facebook Page, provide a little extra help by promoting your Facebook Page across your business’s website, emails, and other marketing material. Doing so can make it easier for potential customers to find and follow your Page.

However, before you start promoting your Facebook Page, you’ll need the URL. Finding the URL is a simple process that can put you on the path towards gaining more Facebook followers and converting and engaging with current ones.

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A Facebook profile page URL vs a Facebook business page URL

The difference between a profile page URL and a business page URL is fairly straightforward: One will take you to a personal page and the other will take you to an official business page. A profile url will typically end with a user’s name, while a business URL will end with a business’s name.

Wondering what this difference looks like? Here is an example.

Facebook Profile URL:

Business Page URL:

How to Find Your Facebook URL in 5 Steps or Less

Whether you use a computer or mobile device, finding your business’s Facebook URL is a simple process. However, the precise steps will vary based on whether you are using a web browser or app.

How to Find Your Facebook URL on a Desktop or Laptop

The following steps will help you access your business’s Facebook URL from a web browser on a laptop, desktop computer, or mobile device.

  • Log Into Your Facebook Account

Log into Facebook using your established account. If you do not already have an account, you can create one for free by providing basic information—including your name, phone number or email address, password, birthday, and gender.

  • Search for Your Business Page

Once you’re logged in, enter your business’s name in the white search bar at the top of the Page. Hit “enter” or click the magnifying glass to see results.

  • Open Your Business Page

Find your business’s name in the list of search results. Click it to navigate to your business’s Facebook Page.

  • Copy the URL

Once you have opened your business’s Facebook Page, your Facebook Page’s URL will appear in the address bar at the top of the browser. If you’re using a computer, right-click on the address bar to highlight it. If you are using a browser on a mobile device, click and drag to highlight. Then, click “Copy.” Now, you can paste your Facebook URL into your emails, website, or other marketing materials.

How to find your Facebook URL Using the Facebook App

The following steps will allow you to access your business’s Facebook URL through the Facebook app on your smartphone or tablet.

  • Log Into Your Facebook Account

As you would in a web browser, log in to Facebook using your established account. If you don’t have an account, you can also create one for free. Facebook has a great FAQ section if you need help with any of those steps along the way.

  • Search for Your Business Page

After you’ve logged into an account, click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the app. A search bar will appear. Enter your business’s name in the search bar.

  • Open Your Business Page

Find your business’s name in the list of search results. Click it to navigate to your business’s Facebook Page.

  • Click the Arrow Button

Once you have opened your business’s Page, you’ll see an arrow that points to the right next to your business’s name at the very top of the app. Click this arrow to see more options.

  • Copy the URL

Click the “Copy Link” option to save your Facebook URL. Now, you should be able to paste your Facebook URL in other apps and emails.

How to Find Your Facebook URL on Mobile

Using a mobile device but don’t have the Facebook app downloaded? Not to worry. Here’s how to find your URL with your mobile device.

  • Open a web browser on your mobile device and navigate to
  • Log in to your account if necessary.
  • Tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Settings & Privacy”.
  • From the dropdown menu that appears, tap on “Settings”.
  • On the Settings page, scroll down and tap on “Profile”.
  • Your Facebook URL should be displayed at the top of the Profile page.

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Having issues finding your Facebook URL?

Finding your Facebook URL is a simple process, so you probably won’t encounter any major problems. However, if you can’t find it on the first try, here are a few possible explanations:

  • You may be looking at the wrong Facebook Page. Double-check to make sure you are on your business’s Page.
  • You might be using the wrong set of directions. There are different steps if you’re using a web browser or the Facebook app, so make sure you’re using the right set of directions for you.
  • You may be skipping a step. Try again, ensuring you pay careful attention to each step in the process.

Looking for a URL of a Facebook Page you don’t own?

Instead of visiting your business’s Page, just visit your target Page and follow the same steps to get its URL.

The Benefits of Finding Your Facebook URL

Your Business Can Promote Your Facebook Page

Finding your Facebook URL enables you to promote your Facebook Page on your website, emails, and other promotional materials by linking directly to your page. This can help get the word out about your Facebook Page and drive traffic there.

Your Business Can Attract New Followers

Include your Facebook URL in promotional materials to help your business attract new followers. Why is this important? Growing a healthy following on your Facebook Page will help you expand your reach with a larger network of your followers’ friends. It can also help your organic posts get more engagement and shares—potentially upping your click-through rates to your website and other social channels. Plus, having a bigger following can make your business seem more successful and professional to prospective customers.

You’ll Garner More Reviews

Facebook users may look to Facebook reviews for more information on a business. Promoting your Facebook URL can help you attract new reviews, which you know can be extremely influential in purchasing decisions. These reviews could, in turn, attract new customers and convert leads.

The Pros and Cons of Finding Your Facebook URL

To summarize, finding your Facebook URL offers great benefits. For starters, when you find your URL, it’s easier to promote your Facebook Profile to attract new followers and generate more online reviews. Encouraging customers to follow your business also provides a convenient way to reach out to them with news, offers, and announcements. Doing so can strengthen customer loyalty, improve your reputation as a modern and responsive company, and reinforce your branding.

While it may take a few minutes to find your Facebook URL, doing so doesn’t have any major cons. The one potential con could be that sharing your URL may make unhappy customers more aware of your social media presence, which could attract their complaints or negative reviews. However, this is a great opportunity to respond to negative reviews, right wrongs, and turn dissatisfied customers back into happy ones.

Finding your Facebook URL is easy and necessary to share your Facebook Page with your customers and leads. Because billions of users enjoy Facebook every day, it’s important to increase the visibility of your Facebook Page to broaden your reach to more potential customers.

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