How to Approach a Customer for Enhanced Sales

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Podium Staff

Learn strategies on how to approach customers. Explore proven methods to build trust, understand needs, and create lasting connections with potential clients.
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How to Approach a Customer for Enhanced Sales

Anyone who’s ever asked someone on a date knows how approaching a customer feels. A bit of nervousness. The slight increase in heart rate. The sudden realization that you need the exact right words to say and you’ve only got one shot.

It’s undeniably important to understand your customers when you approach them–know what they think, what makes them tick, and what will seal the deal. Luckily for you, retail is a lot more understandable than romance. And we’re here to help. But before we give out out secrets to the ultimate customer engagement process, we are proud to tell you we have made a leap into the future of online relationships!

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Now the, read on for the cannon guide on how to approach your customers, how to follow up, and what tools can take you to the next level.

Understanding Customer Psychology to Approach Customers

Understanding customer psychology gives you an unbelievable advantage when it comes to approaching customers. It enables you to comprehend your customers’ needs, preferences, and decision-making processes. By delving into the psyche of consumers, you can tailor your approaches, products, and marketing strategies effectively.

This data allows you to create more personalized experiences, fostering stronger connections with fewer resources and time spent guessing. Recognizing consumer behavior also aids you in predicting trends and adapting swiftly to market changes, leading to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and success.

10 Ways to Approach a Customer

As a retail manager, you know that crafting a great shopping experience involves a lot more than offering a good product–it involves finesse, knowing what to say and how to say it, understanding what the customer is asking, hitting the right tone, and more. Here are 10 strategies and tips to approach a retail customer effectively.

1. Tailor Approaches to Different Customer Personalities

When it comes to retail, what‘s the magic word? Adapt. An extroverted customer may appreciate lively interactions and personalized recommendations while an introverted customer might prefer more space and self-guided browsing. By tailoring your approach to match each customer’s personality, you can create a more comfortable and engaging environment where sales can happen organically.

2. Utilize Various Communication Channels

By offering multiple communication channels such as in-store assistance, phone support, email inquiry, and live chat on your website, you make it easier for customers to reach out and engage with your brand. This communication strategy enhances accessibility and convenience, allowing consumers to interact with your business in the way that best suits their needs and preferences.

3. Craft a Compelling Elevator Pitch

If you’ve ever seen Shark Tank, you know the drill. Your elevator pitch should be brief yet impactful, highlighting the unique value proposition of your offerings. By delivering a concise and persuasive message, you can quickly communicate the benefits and features that resonate with each customer’s needs or desires. A compelling elevator pitch sets a positive tone for each interaction, piquing a customer’s curiosity and encouraging further exploration of your products.

4. Ask the Right Questions by Recognizing Customer Needs and Pain Points

Being asked the wrong questions can get annoying. Being asked the right questions can open wallets. Our main tip here is to keep things open-ended. By asking open-ended questions, you encourage customers to share more information about their needs and expectations. For example, asking about someone’s style preferences, previous experiences, or intended use of your product can provide valuable insights that help you tailor your recommendations. Asking clarifying questions ensures you have a clear understanding of any requirements, allowing you to provide relevant and personalized help.

5. Learn the Importance of Empathy and Active Listening

What makes an amazing salesperson? They know what the customer is actually saying–the words behind the words, the tone, the way the feet are pointed. Listen attentively to each customer’s needs and preferences. Pay attention to verbal cues, body language, and tone of voice to understand their shopping objectives better. Put together different clues to profile each customer correctly and meet them where they are.

6. Provide Value and Solutions

Sometimes going straight for the gold can actually get in your way. Instead of focusing solely on making a sale, prioritize providing value and solutions to your customer’s needs. This approach involves actively listening to each customer’s concerns and offering relevant advice or recommendations. For example, if a customer is looking for a specific product but it’s out of stock, you could suggest alternative options or offer to place a special order for them.

Share Product Knowledge to Build Trust and Credibility

Your customer should be able to trust that you know exactly what you’re talking about and can help them better than the guy next door. Be well-informed about the products you offer. Provide customers with detailed information including features, benefits, and usage tips to help them make informed purchasing decisions. The more they get out of their product, the more they’ll want to come back.

Offer Personalized Recommendations

Each customer should feel like they’re your only customer. They should feel like you really understand them and have their best interests at heart. Suggest products or services that align with their tastes, lifestyles, or specific requirements. Do your homework so that you can offer personalized recommendations that will lead to an optimal experience with your brand.

Handle Objections Gracefully

No one likes a gaslighter. If a customer raises objections or concerns, address them gracefully. Listen empathetically, acknowledge their concerns, and offer solutions or alternatives to address any issues they may have. You should always be transparent about your products and services while putting your best foot forward.

Follow Up with Appreciation

An acknowledged customer is a happy customer. After completing a sale or assisting a customer, follow up with a gesture of appreciation. Thank customers for their patronage and invite them to return for future shopping needs. Uplevel your customer service to make sure they know that they aren’t just another dollar sign in your eyes.

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What to Say When a Customer Says “I’m Just Browsing”

“Are you looking for something in particular?” “I’m just browsing!” We’ve all heard it. What do you say when a customer says they just want to browse? While there aren’t necessarily any magic words to induce a sale, there are a number of responses that can help you establish rapport, pique interest, and offer stellar customer support. Here are a few of our favorite answers you can share with your staff:

“I get it, I like to browse too. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Of course, I’ve got you! Just give me a wave when I can do anything for you.”

“Sounds great! I’ll just check in later and see if I can help you with anything.”

“Love it, take your time! Over here is our new set of summer linens and today you can get an extra 40% off the sale section in the back!”

“Cool, my name is Raven in case you need anything!”

“Sure thing! I’ll be around if you have any questions about our sales event this week.”

“Absolutely. If you want any recommendations from our new summer line, hit me up!”

“I love it! Give me a shout when you want me to get a dressing room started for you.”

“Awesome. Just a heads up, these new slides are going super fast so let me know if you want me to pull you a pair.”

“Sounds like a fun afternoon! Let me know if you’re looking for gifts for Mother’s Day and I’ll point you to our best-sellers.”

“Golden. A little secret–I bought these jeggings on sale last week and haven’t been able to stop wearing them. Let me know if you want me to snag you a pair!”

The Importance of Building Long-Term Relationships With Customers

When it comes to retail, you don’t want one-night stands. Long-term relationships, built steadily over time, bring recurring rewards and benefits for your business as well as your customers. Investing in long-term relationships with customers brings you:

  • Customer Loyalty: When you invest time and genuine effort into building long-term relationships with customers, they can tell. Loyal customers tend to repeat purchases and are less likely to switch to competitors.
  • Repeat Business: Long-term relationships = repeat business. Customers who have positive experiences and feel valued by you are more inclined to return for future purchases or services and make you their exclusive go-to.
  • Increased Revenue: Loyal customers tend to spend more over time. As they become familiar with your products or services and develop trust in your brand, they may also be willing to explore additional offerings or higher-priced items.
  • Competitive Advantage: Establishing strong relationships with your customers can differentiate your business from competitors. Even if competitors offer similar products or services, customers may choose your business based on the personalized experience and connection they feel with your brand and your staff.
  • Reduced Marketing Costs: As you know, acquiring new customers is expensive. Building long-term relationships with existing customers can help you reduce marketing costs by focusing efforts on retaining and satisfying current customers rather than constantly acquiring new ones.

Obviously, it’s important to invest in a fruitful connection. So, how do you keep the flame alive? Here are three pro tips to help you consistently and genuinely connect with your customers in a way that will keep them coming back.

Follow-Up Strategies and Importance of After-Sales Service

It’s the after-a-date text. The follow-through. The finish. Following up with a customer after a transaction is the main event when you want them to know that you care. First, you should always thank them for their business. If you’re feeling really bougie, a physical card can bring a real wow factor. For a convenient, personal option, you might send a text or even an email.

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Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement

The best way to not get customer feedback is to not ask for it. And the second best way is to make it a chore. Bypass both of these obstacles by shooting customers a text with a simple feedback form they can use to help you improve. The key here is to give them real motivation–either offer an incentive for filling out the form or emphasize how much this type of feedback can help you improve their next experience with you. Remember: Keep the focus on them, not on you. 

Create Brand Advocates Through Positive Experiences

There’s no high like getting a 5-star rating from Leo for the quickest oil change he’s ever gotten, or getting a positive review where Leanna raves, for 200 words, about how amazing you were at cutting her hair in a way no other hairdresser has been able to in her life. After you bask in the glory, make sure to tap into the gold mine. When a customer’s praise comes in hot, they’re probably going to spread word about you. But they’re also probably willing to give you a testimonial and content that you can use. Locate your major brand-lovers and try to include them in your next campaign, feature their reviews on your page, and offer them exclusive deals for referrals to strengthen your customer relationships.

Get Selling

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