How to get real-time customer feedback with Podium

Matt Boyce Profile Photo.

Matt BoyceHead of SMB Marketing

Podium’s feedback collection tool lets you know your customers' perception of your business in real-time. Learn how Podium can help you gather better feedback.
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Podium’s Feedback tool lets you know your customers’ perception of your business in real-time.


How Podium Provides Feedback Software

Podium’s Customer Interaction Platform lets your business send short texts to customers asking for immediate feedback on your products and services. Our feedback collection tool makes it convenient and straightforward for your customers to offer qualitative and quantitative feedback on their experience.


Reach Customers When They’re Most Engaged

Want to know the impression your business is making on your customers now? Feedback sends two automated texts after customer interactions. The first text asks the customer to rate your business on a scale from 1 to 10 to determine your Net Promoter Score (NPS). Based on their response, they’ll then get a second text asking for clarification on what made their experience positive or negative. You can use Podium’s template questions or create your own customized texts.

  • The benefit of using a texting platform to obtain customer feedback is that it’s immediate, automated, and makes it easy for the customer to respond. Customers are much more likely to respond to a text than any other distribution method. It also removes the time and energy required of your employees to ask for feedback through email or in person. 


Gather Customer Feedback at Any Point

Podium Feedback empowers you to discover customer impressions during any part of the customer journey. Automated feedback texts can be sent before, during, or after a customer interaction has taken place. 

  • The power to strategically plan when you will target customers for their feedback has many benefits. You can survey them while they are first considering using your product or service, currently working with your business, or after a purchase has been made. Each step can have a lasting impression on their overall customer experience. On-demand feedback collection allows you to be agile, able to quickly remedy customer pain points in the sales or customer service process that might otherwise result in a poor review or a negative hit to your online reputation.


Automate Feedback Collection

When is the best time to gather a positive customer review? Immediately after your customer has had a positive experience with your business and staff. Podium Feedback syncs with point of sale systems to automatically ask for feedback when it’s most likely to be collected. Choose what percentage of your customers receive feedback requests versus review invites. So you don’t have to put review generation on hold to know how satisfied your customers are.

  • When you know a customer is happy with your business, you can feel confident that they will leave a flattering review. By obtaining customer feedback in real-time, you can gather more positive reviews but also resolve negative experiences before they turn into bad reviews


Keep Customers Coming Back

The better you understand your customers, the easier it is to retain them long-term. Feedback helps you know which components of your business are working well—and allows you to better understand and fix flaws in your customer experience flow.

  • Feedback alerts you as soon as customers respond, allowing you to follow-up through text and resolve the problem quickly, before they move onto your competitors. You can also see which channel the customer came from, who at your company they’ve interacted with, and how long they’ve been a customer. This further helps you retain customers and encourage customer loyalty. It also helps you pinpoint the weak link, whether that is a faulty process or a member of your staff that may require more training.


Get Podium Feedback

Podium Feedback is a dynamic tool for finding out how customers feel about your business and employees. It gives you instant access to invaluable customer insight and provides you with data you can use to make important improvements.

Customer response notifications connect with the customer right away to mitigate any potential problems. Analytics help you track feedback trends over time, pinpointing what your business is doing well and where changes should be made. You can also track your NPS Score through Podium Feedback and assess patterns and changes over time.


How Ashley Furniture HomeStore is Using Podium Feedback to Optimize Its Customer Experience

Ashley Furniture HomeStore already had a high NPS score when they came to Podium, but needed a solution to help them maintain it for the future. When the Customer Feedback tool was implemented, they immediately began receiving more customer responses with much less investment from their staff. Within less than 12 months, Ashley Furniture HomeStore had received 20,000 customer responses through Podium Feedback, which helped them improve their already highly-rated customer experience. They were now able to address those customer experiences that did not meet expectations, quickly and efficiently. This gave them a considerable advantage over competitors.

To keep customers returning, Ashley Furniture HomeStore continues to rely on Podium Feedback and other Customer Interaction Platform tools. Would your business like to see the same results?

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