How customer satisfaction software can transform your local business

Matt Boyce Profile Photo.

Matt BoyceHead of SMB Marketing

Surveying your customers can provide valuable insights to transform your business. Here are a few of the ways Podium makes it easy to survey your customers.
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Customer satisfaction survey software allows you to gather customer insights to improve your business and provide a better customer experience. 

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How Podium Provides Top-Tier Customer Satisfaction Survey Software

Several Podium products act as customer satisfaction survey software, providing quick and easy access to information about customer experiences. This information not only enables you to streamline your processes and provide better service; surveying your customers can also make them feel like you value their unique concerns and want to hear what they have to say. Here are a few of the ways Podium makes it easy to survey your customers. 

Centralize Interactions

Your customers may already share their opinions online, but without the right tools, you may not have the ability to monitor all incoming information. Podium allows you to collect reviews across several sites through one convenient platform. Plus, Podium allows you to respond to individual reviews to connect with your customers and resolve issues. 

Checking individual sites can be time-consuming. With Podium, you can save time reading and responding to customer reviews. With so much information at the tips of your fingers, you can use these reviews much like you would use a customer satisfaction survey.

Look for Trends

Detecting trends in your reviews can give you quick insight into how customers perceive your business. This may enable you to see what your business does well and what areas you should focus on improving—all without having to read each review individually. With so many review platforms, this reviews aggregate saves time and ensures every piece of feedback is seen.

Customize Questions

Podium provides templates your business can use to get a high-level overview of a customer’s experience. It also allows you to customize questions depending on your focus and needs.

Using existing templates is convenient and can give you valuable information about how customers experience your company overall. Customizing questions can help you target more specific aspects of customer experience, allowing you to investigate key areas of concern for your business.

Use Automated Responses

Podium allows you to send customized follow-up questions based on customer responses. 

Customized follow-up questions can help you dig deeper into an issue to learn more about customer experiences. Following up with customers can also show you care about what they experience, and want to improve this for them. Since Podium automates these responses, you can provide a personalized follow-up without having to dedicate staff time to crafting each response from scratch.

Get Podium Feedback 

Podium Feedback may be your new go-to product for sending customer satisfaction surveys. If you don’t follow up with your customers to see if they’re satisfied, you may unknowingly overlook problems that inhibit customer loyalty

Podium Feedback makes collecting customer satisfaction surveys easy. You can send out requests automatically. Analytics allow you to view common trends in feedback rather than having to read individual surveys. 

Plus, you get responses in real-time. Podium sends out surveys right away, and you get the results immediately rather than having to wait for processing. Notifications of negative feedback alert you to individual customer complaints, allowing you to address concerns with unsatisfied customers directly. Podium Feedback also tracks your Net Promoter Score (NPS), so you can see how it changes over time.

How Budget Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing is Using Podium Feedback for Customer Satisfaction Survey Software

Budget Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing struggled to get customer feedback. While the company used its website to ask for feedback, people didn’t share their experiences. Podium streamlined the process of leaving feedback. Soon, Budget Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing enjoyed more and more customer responses. The feedback showed the company that communicating with customers the way they prefer is key, so Budget Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing has embraced communicating with customers via text through Podium.

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