Business and SMS Texting Etiquette: A Complete Guide

Isaiah Rendorio Headshot

Isaiah RendorioProduct Marketing Manager, Campaigns

Never know what to say in your texts? Here are some tips and etiquette rules to keep in mind next time you fire off a message to a customer.
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Did you know that 95% of text messages get read within three minutes of being received? Or that 46% of consumers actively seek out businesses that provide alternatives to phone calls (like text). These are just a couple of reasons why proper texting etiquette is crucial. 

Texting has become an essential communication channel for small businesses. Unfortunately, a lack of texting etiquette often leads to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and even damaged reputations.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about texting etiquette in a business setting, from when to text to what to avoid in your messages. 

What is Business Texting Etiquette

Business text messaging etiquette refers to guidelines you should follow when sending text messages in a professional setting. 

The modern consumer wants you to text them. That being said, nobody wants to be bombarded with text messages in the middle of the night or find their inbox full of irrelevant promos. People want to keep things casual but professional. This includes the use of language, tone, and the formatting of the message. Business text messaging etiquette also dictates the appropriate times to send business texts, the type of messages that are appropriate to send, the use of emojis and abbreviations, and the frequency of communication. 

By following some simple guidelines, you can avoid awkward mishaps and miscommunications. 

Why is Business Texting Etiquette important? 

Failing to follow proper texting etiquette can lead to confusion, frustration, and misinterpretations, which can harm your company’s reputation. But it doesn’t stop there. Poor texting etiquette can have a major impact on your business. 

Firstly, adhering to business text etiquette rules can significantly improve conversion rates. The average open rate for business texts is 98%, and the average response rate is 45%. By implementing proper texting etiquette, you can increase customer engagement and response rates on this powerful channel, leading o a higher likelihood of conversion and subsequent sales.

Furthermore, proper texting etiquette helps build customer trust—a must if you’re trying to build long-term relationships. Maintaining a professional and courteous tone establishes credibility and reliability that customers appreciate and trust. And as a bonus, customers who receive well-crafted, professional text messages from your business are more inclined to view your brand positively. 

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8 Must-Follow Rules for Your SMS and Texting Campaigns

Ready to try out this popular form of communication? Here are some etiquette tips to keep in mind.

1. Get consent.

One of the most crucial rules to follow before initiating any SMS or texting campaign is to obtain permission and consent from your customers. To get permission to text your customers, consider implementing an opt-in process and requesting that customers text a specific keyword to sign up for your texts.

2. Introduce yourself and your business.

For a successful SMS and texting campaign, it’s vital to introduce your business—nobody likes to get texts from a random number they don’t recognize. To avoid confusion, when you send your first text, make sure to use a recognizable business name and recommend that they save your phone number for future reference. And even after the first time you send a text, always explain the purpose of your messages.

3. Personalize your messages.

Customers are more likely to engage with text messages that are personalized and relevant to their interests or previous interactions. Include your customer’s name in the message and tailor your texts based on data such as their past purchase history or location. A personalized message stands a better chance of being read and positively acted upon by the customer. And of course, don’t be afraid to throw in an emoji or two. 😎

4. Be clear and to the point.

SMS and texting campaigns need to be brief, clear, and to the point. As text messages have a limited character count, make sure the message is concise and easy to read. Use clear and straightforward messaging that conveys the intended goal—whether it’s to offer a discount code, promote a new product, or request feedback. 

5. Add a call-to-action.

Your SMS and text messages should have a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages your customers to act. A good CTA is specific, concise, and engaging—it should tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you are a retail store sending a text message about a new sale, you might include a CTA that says ‘Shop now’ or ‘Limited time offer! Act fast!’.

6. Respond quickly.

When you receive a message from a customer, it is essential that you respond quickly. You can set up an auto-reply (pro tip: Invest in a software solution that allows for text response automation) to let them know that their message has been received and that you will get back to them soon. Responding in a timely manner shows that you value the customer’s time and business, which can help build loyalty and trust.

7. Keep an eye on the timing.

The timing of your messages is critical to the success of your SMS and texting campaigns. Send messages at appropriate times, and avoid sending messages during holidays, weekends, or late at night when people may be less likely to respond. Pay attention to your audience’s habits and preferences to determine the best times to send messages.

8. Watch your spelling and grammar.

Your SMS and texting campaigns are a reflection of your brand, and as such, it is important to make sure that your messages are error-free. Poor spelling and grammar can make your message appear unprofessional and may discourage recipients from taking the desired action. Additionally, avoid using abbreviations and acronyms, excessive slang, or business jargon. When in doubt, always proofread

→ Never know what to say? Take a look at our free library of text templates.

Take Your Texting Campaigns to the Next Level

Podium helps small and local businesses like yours reach more customers and boost conversions. But why choose Podium over other options in the market?

First of all, Podium provides an all-in-one solution that streamlines the entire SMS and texting marketing process. From creating and sending messages to managing customer responses and feedback, Podium covers it all. This means you can save time and resources while achieving better results.

But that’s not all. Podium’s platform includes powerful features like automated review responses, text-to-pay, phones, and more—all designed to help small businesses improve engagement and increase conversions.

Want to see what Podium can do for your business? Start a free trial here


1. What is the etiquette for business texting hours?

It’s a good rule of thumb to keep business texts inside of business hours—especially promotional ones. It is important to remember that just because texting is a more casual method of communication does not mean it is appropriate to text at random times. Texting people too early or too late could lead to annoyance and frustration. 

2. Is it professional to text for business?

Yes, texting can be a professional and efficient way to communicate for business purposes, but it is important to use proper etiquette. This means you should double-check grammar, spelling (hi, autocorrect), and punctuation, avoid using slang or abbreviations, and keep the tone appropriate to the context of your message.

3. How often should I text customers?

There is no hard and fast rule for how often to text customers, but it is essential to strike a balance between being helpful and becoming a nuisance. Avoid sending too many messages too frequently, as this can come across as spammy or annoying. Consider the nature of the message and the individual recipient when determining how often to communicate.

4. Can I use emojis when texting?

It depends on the tone of your message, but including emojis in texts is generally okay—and often advisable. But remember, while emojis can add personality and enhance the tone of your message, they can also be misinterpreted or come across as unprofessional if used inappropriately. Only use emojis when they add value to the message and align with the recipient’s communication style.

5. What’s considered good text response time?

Response time can vary, but a general rule of thumb is to respond within 24 hours during regular business hours. If the message requires urgent attention, respond as soon as possible. Remember to set realistic expectations and communicate clearly if you need more time to respond. Overall, it is important to be timely but also to prioritize other responsibilities and not allow texting to monopolize your time.

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