How to Ask for Google Reviews: 11 Proven Tips

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Podium Staff

If you want to get more Google Reviews, you have to ask for them. Not sure how? Check out these tips and templates.
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Customer Reviews

As any business owner can tell you, asking for reviews is an important part of running a successful business. Customer feedback is the lifeblood of your business name. But if you’re new to the review collecting game, you may be wondering how to ask. To simplify this task, we’ve gathered tips on the best way to ask, including various best practices and a few templates to get you started.

The Importance of Asking for Google Reviews

Before we show you how to ask for a Google Review, you need to understand why they matter. Google Reviews are an incredibly effective marketing tool. Online reviews are the modern, digital version of personal recommendations. 97% of people use online searches to learn about local businesses, and they often see reviews first. Approximately 93% of people say that reviews help decide whether to patronize a local business.

Simply put: Consumers trust online reviews.

In addition to these statistics, remember that Google Reviews:

  • Help you build social proof
  • Boost your online reputation
  • Give you insight into areas where your business could improve
  • Give you a chance to respond to negative reviews and control your business’s reputation
  • Help you turn happy customers into referrals
  • Improve your visibility in local search

How to Ask for a Google Review

Surprisingly, the majority of customers who are asked to leave reviews will do so. This suggests that customers are willing to leave reviews as long as you ask. Let’s look at some best practices and tips to help you get more customer reviews.

Get the Timing Right

One of the most important parts of asking for reviews is timing. The point at which you ask for a review will depend on the type of feedback you want. For instance, if you want a review of your product or service, you should wait until the client receives and uses it. But if you want a review of your sales process, you should ask right after the purchase is made.

Some good opportunities to ask for Google Reviews include:

  • When the product is delivered
  • When the customer orders an additional item
  • After a sales transaction
  • When you finish the client’s project
  • At the end of a sales conversation
  • Anytime you make the customer happy

Tell Them Why Their Review Matters

As mentioned, most customers are willing to leave a review if you ask them to. But most people are more likely to leave a review if they understand why their review matters. Let your customers know that you appreciate their reviews and how it helps your online reputation. Explain that reviews are recommendations and help you appear in Google search results. Let them know that when they write reviews, potential customers see them and are more likely to choose your company. And make sure they know that you’ll listen to their feedback and implement changes where necessary.

Make It Convenient

A simple way to increase your chances of getting an online review is to make it as convenient as possible. For example, consider asking for a review via text message and including a Google Review link that takes the recipient right to your review page.

Texting is one of the most convenient ways to reach people. People are always on their phones, and up to 98% of text messages are opened. By including a direct link, your customers know exactly where you want them to leave the review, and getting it is quick and easy.

Personalize the Ask

The modern customer loves to feel special—so personalizing should always be a priority. How do you personalize your Google Review request? You can:

  • Address the customer by name. This immediately adds a human touch to your connection. Pro Tip: You should also mention your name, especially if you’ve established a relationship with the customer! This helps them to feel like they aren’t just another number and applies the pathos of your relationship to your review request.
  • Reference the specific product or service they purchased. Don’t be shy about this–mention specific details, reminding them of why they’re so happy with your product or service. Reminding a customer of the value you bring to them can only enhance the quality of the review they leave you. A reference of this kind also shows that you’re paying attention and that your customers’ feedback is important to you.
  • Use a conversational tone. It should feel like you’re talking to a friend. Use colloquial language and employ emojis to keep the tone light and friendly. Stay casual, and you’ll make them feel like they’ve known you for years.

How to Ask for Google Reviews: 4 Templates & Examples

Now that we’ve gone over the principles of how to ask, let’s look at a few examples. You don’t need to start from scratch when crafting what to say to ask for reviews. Here are a few templates for various situations. Remember that you can easily adapt any of these to better suit your products, services, or clients. Better yet, you can combine multiple ideas into a single template.

1. How to Ask for Google Reviews by Email

An email review invite is often successful with a slightly older demographic of customers, especially customers who are already using email to communicate with you. Keep your review request email short and sweet, communicating value and providing a transparent subject line. Here’s an email template to get you started:

Dear Karen,

We’re so glad we were able to help you find the perfect oak table for your new home. At Taf & Sons, we are constantly striving to improve our products/services and provide the best possible experience for our valued customers. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts with us. Your feedback matters, and it can help others in our local Haysville community make informed decisions. Please consider leaving us a review on Google by clicking this link:

Happy Holidays,


2. How to Ask for Google Reviews by SMS

As we mentioned, SMS is an incredible way to ask for Google Reviews and provides the most convenient channel for your customers. Keep in mind that this review request is shorter than most–typically the limit for SMS is 160 characters or less, and you need prior permission from your customers to text them.

Text review invites have the potential to be much more personal than other review invite channels because of the casual nature of messaging. You can include pictures, GIFs, videos, links, emojis, and more.

Hi Gina, Marty here! We’re ecstatic that we were able to help you find the perfect dress for your big day. 👰 As I mentioned, reviews help us make people’s dreams come true. Would you mind sharing your experience by clicking this link? Thank you! ❣️ 

Want a few more templates that you can personalize? We’ve got you.

  • “[Name], thanks for choosing us! We want to hear from you. Would you mind leaving us a review at the link below for 10% off your next purchase? [Link]”
  • “Hi, [Name]! Reviews from amazing customers like you help us stay in business. Would you take a few minutes to leave us a review on Google? [Link] Thanks!”
  • “Hi, [Name]. It’s [Your name] from [Business]. We’d love to hear how you like [Product]. Would you mind leaving us a review at the following link? [Link]”
  • “[Name], thanks for choosing [Business]. If you enjoyed your customer experience, please leave us a Google Review. [Link]”
  • “It’s been a pleasure working with you, [Name]. Would you leave us a review and help others find our business? [Link]”

How to Ask for Google Reviews in Person

Remember, when you’re asking for a review in person, all the same rules apply–you want to get the timing just right. Ask your client or customer for a review after the high point in your interaction with them, whether they’ve just found the perfect car or the perfect dress. Explain why their opinion matters and set expectations.

Sometimes, it can feel intimidating to ask for something in person, especially if it’s a “favor” like leaving a Google Review. But don’t let this get in the way. Customers are more likely to leave you a review if you’re confident and transparent about what you’re asking for and why. If they know why it’s important, they’ll be more likely to help you out.

Thanks so much for coming in today, Jeff. It was such a pleasure to help you find the right car for your road trip to Alaska! As a growing local business, reviews really help us find and help other people locate the vehicle that’s right for them too. Would you mind leaving us a quick review? I’ll text you a link you can click to review us right now–it takes about 30 sec. 

It was a delight to meet you, Alisha! So glad you enjoyed your hydrafacial–your skin is absolutely glowing! If you enjoyed your service with Allison, would you mind leaving us a quick review? You can scan this QR code right here and it’ll take you right to the review page. 

How to Ask for Google Reviews by Phone

This review invite method is also particularly popular with an older demographic. Generally, if they contacted you via phone call, they like to be contacted that way as well.

Hi Jim, this is Cameron from Snare Tire! How are you doing? How are your new wheels working out? We’re so glad to hear that! As a small business new to town, we’re working on building our clientele and reviews really help us out. Would you mind leaving us a quick review on Google? We value reviews and will give you a 15% discount on your next oil change!

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Asking for Google Reviews: 3 Crucial Best Practices

Ready for a few more best practices? There are a few traits that nearly all highly rated businesses have in common when it comes to good reviews, and we’re ready to spill the beans.

Show Gratitude

Remember: Your customer is doing you a favor, and you need to let them know it. To further encourage more reviews and improve your overall customer satisfaction rate, consider sending thank you messages or rewards after customers leave a review. Let them know, in person and via messaging, that you sincerely appreciate their support. For example, you might use the following templates:

“[Name], thank you for your review! And thank you for choosing us for [Product/Service].”

“Thanks for leaving [Business] a review. As a token of our appreciation, here’s a discount code for your next purchase.”

Provide Clear Instructions

Every time you ask for a review, your customers should know exactly what you’re asking in terms of the mechanics. Are you going to send them a text? An email? Social media message? When are you going to send it? What should they do to review you? How long is it going to take? Are they willing to give testimonials? The details are important, especially for people who don’t often leave reviews. Don’t be shy about making sure they have all the information they need and delivering a clear call to action that draws on the strength of your customer relationships.

Engage With Existing Reviews

People like to give positive feedback when they know that it’s going to be valued and appreciated. You can encourage more reviews by engaging enthusiastically with existing ones–responding to each within a business day (if possible), and showing your gratitude. Reviews and responses can lead to further conversations and show potential customers what it will be like to interact with you.

What About After the Review?

Asking for reviews is the first step to generating tons of reviews for your business. But your job doesn’t end there. Once the reviews start rolling in, it’s crucial for your business to respond—to both the positive and negative ones. In essence, you need to follow-up.

Responding to negative reviews is a crucial part of managing your online reputation and managing your local SEO. It enables you to turn unsatisfied customers into satisfied ones and garner more positive reviews. It also lets you control the narrative to a certain extent, no matter how minimal.

Responding to positive reviews is just as important—and less intimidating. Responding to positive reviews shows customers and potential customers that you care about the people you do business with.

Start Gathering Reviews with Podium

Encouraging your loyal customers to leave you a Google Review is a simple yet effective way to boost your sales and attract new customers. Good business reviews can increase your search engine rankings, level up your star rating, and improve the technique of your Google Business Profile page.

When you are ready to start gathering Google Reviews, Podium makes it easy to do so. Podium streamlines the process of asking for Google Reviews via a combination of automation and text messaging. It helps you optimize your business listing and business page to open the review floodgates while complying with Google’s review policies. The review platform ties your invites in with your CRM, making sure you never miss a customer name and that you’re locked in with all the right reviews sites. It helps you provide better customer support, improve your local online presence, optimize your Google account for success, optimize review gathering on your social media platforms, and prepare for great reviews.

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