Above-The-Line vs. Below-The-Line: Understanding Marketing Strategies For Increased Impact

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Above-The-Line vs. Below-The-Line Marketing: What Are The Differences?

Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) were popular marketing terms in the pre-digital world. If you’re wondering what is ATL and BTL in marketing, this article will help you explore the concept.

ATL refers to non-targeted marketing activities that use mass media to reach more people and build brand awareness. In contrast, BTL is a direct and more targeted approach to marketing. BTL campaigns focus on a specific audience and are carried out through personal communication channels.

What Is Above-the-Line Marketing (ATL)?

ATL marketing is all about running advertisements on mass media channels to reach more people of all demographics. The goal isn’t to encourage consumers to purchase products or avail of services but rather to tell a story or message of the brand to customers.

Characteristics and Examples

Here are a few examples of ATL marketing:

  • TV Ads: Running commercials, infomercials, and product placements on television is one of the most popular forms of ATL marketing. It still exists even when more marketing campaigns shift towards the digital sphere. TV ads have a reach from local to national and international audiences depending on the channel and agreement between the involved parties.
  • Print Media: Promoting a brand in newspapers, magazines, and other print publications is another example of ATL marketing. But with more people becoming inclined to use the internet to access content, the method has become less popular.
  • Radio Ads: Over 80% of Americans ages 12 and older still listen to the radio, which means running advertisements on this channel allows businesses to reach a broader audience. It’s one of the most affordable types of ATL marketing and ideal for the music industry.

Pros and Cons

ATL marketing gives brands and products significant exposure. However, measuring the precise impact and return on investment tends to be difficult. That’s why companies use it to make customers aware of the product or brand and increase business visibility. It is also costly. For example, a 30-second ad on a national TV in the U.S. can cost over a hundred thousand dollars.

What Is Below-the-Line Marketing (BTL)?

So, what is BTL marketing and how does it differ from ATL?

BTL campaigns are directed toward specific groups of individuals. Marketers also use a completely different communication medium, a more offbeat one at that. And instead of increasing brand awareness, the objective is to convert leads into paying customers.

Characteristics and Examples

  • Email Marketing: Email is an example of a direct marketing method. Sending promotional content to potential and existing customers through email is easy and cheap. With solutions like Podium, you can connect with customers instantly on a personal level.
  • Trade Shows and Exhibitions: These events tend to attract large audiences that share common interests, making them a great place to promote your products and services and attract new customers.
  • SEO Marketing: This strategy involves incorporating keywords on digital marketing content so anyone who searches for a term related to your business will find your website or social media platforms. It’s a great marketing strategy for insurance brokers and other businesses that want to boost their online presence.
  • In-Store Promotions: In-store marketing is another example of BTL activity. It involves marketing activities carried out in brick-and-mortar shops. For example, salons can introduce seasonal promotions or organize workshops on makeup application.

Pros and Cons

BTL marketing isn’t as costly as ATL. For example, sending promotional content via email will likely cost a small business less than a TV ad campaign.

Furthermore, tracking and measuring results is easier with BTL marketing. Since the goal is to make a sale, you can measure the return on investment (ROI). ROI measures how much you spend on marketing compared to how much revenue the campaign generates.

You can also use other marketing KPIs, like cost per lead and lead-to-customer ratio. Businesses in some industries like health campaigns should be tailored to the target audience, which makes them time-consuming to design and execute. Fortunately, there are artificial intelligence (AI) tools for marketing that can create highly tailored and relevant content for your target recipients at scale. Other BTL disadvantages include limited reach, less flexibility, and high competition.

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ATL vs. BTL: Which is the Best?

Is your business struggling to hit your marketing goals? Think it’s time to update your strategy? Cannot decide between ATL and BTL? It’s important to note that while ATL and BTL marketing both aim to promote a product or a brand, each has unique strengths and weaknesses.

An ATL strategy has a broader reach so more people can get to know your business. On the other hand, BTL marketing involves connecting with individuals on a more personal level so you can convince them to make a purchase or take whatever action you desire. ATL uses conventional mass media channels, while BTL uses more direct communication mediums. ATL is also pricier to run and more difficult to track and measure than BTL.

Companies require exposure and more sales to thrive. So, balancing broad outreach with targeted engagement will be the ideal choice. The combination of ATL BTL is also called TTL or Through the Line. By leveraging ATL BTL marketing effectively, companies can maximize their advertising impact and achieve their desired results.

What Is “The Line” and Where Did It Come From?

In 1954, Proctor and Gamble’s finance department started paying their advertising firms separately (and at different costs) for direct ad activities and wider promotional campaigns. They referred to the approach as ATL and BTL. Then, marketing agencies began using “the Line” to separate mass-market appeal from more targeted, direct campaigns.

Unleash the Power of BTL Marketing with Podium Solutions

Are you ready to embrace the BTL approach to marketing? If you’re looking for an effective yet affordable means to attract more customers and make more sales, incorporating SMS and email into your marketing mix can help you reach your goal. And with Podium, you can unleash the full potential of your campaigns.

Create personalized messages, build text marketing campaigns in minutes, and automate tedious parts of the process with Podium text marketing solution.

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